The following Jenna quote from her book ran on XPT prompting a response from Holly Randall: “Jenna on Suze Randall: “I began to feel like Suze was taking advantage of me. My pictures appeared in ever sex ad and foreign nudie magazine imaginable. And since I’d signed away the rights, she was raking in all the money. Whenever I asked her for a few chromes for a promo shoot or to make a modeling book, she’d refuse. I’d ask her instead to shoot an extra roll for me at our next session instead, and she’d say she couldn’t.
“She made her living off enthusiastic girls like myself, and I understood that and was grateful to her for making me an international cover girl. But there was a bigger problem- she was stringing me along, telling me that each shoot we did just might be a centerfold in Penthouse. However, nothing we did ever appeared there, and that had been my dream from day one. And with every picture of mine that was published somewhere else, my chances of ever being a Penthouse Pet plummeted lower and lower. So I added Suze to my mental shitlist of people I could not trust and decided to stop working with her.”
this type of sleazy behavior must run in the family. hey Holly, steal any money from a pornstar lately?
Holly Randall posts on XPT: This is the first I’ve heard of this being said by Jenna… shit if I had known I would have said something to her at her party! Since I haven’t read it, my first question is was that actually printed IN the book or is it something she supposedly said? If it’s in the book, then I’ve got to laugh out loud because a lot of the polaroids you see in that book were pictures my mom gave Jenna at the time, and then later gave her permission to use them for her book. In the back pages she even gives Suze credit for the images. So that right there blows a hole in her argument that my mom never gave her any pictures. I could sit here and contest everything she said, but I’m not going to waste my time. I imagine Jenna had to write mean and spicy things to sell her book (I know Suze wasn’t the only victim), so at least perhaps one should applaud her for being a savvy business woman. People are always going to talk shit, and that’s just life. I won’t lose any sleep over it, and Suze and I still wish Jenna all the best…