Albany, NY- A 31-year-old substitute teacher is being investigated by upstate cops for allegedly flashing her breasts at two 14-year-old boys while giving them a ride home from school.
Karlie Hall, a divorced mother of two from Lake George, resigned from her substitute teacher job at Hudson Falls High School in May after one of the boys accused her of threatening to turn him in for smoking if he tattled on her for showing her breasts, officials said.
He also told police in his statement, “Before she dropped us off she threatened that if we told anybody, she would spread rumors about us at school.”
The lawyer for the boy making the allegations, John Aretakis, said he expects charges will be brought against the teacher. Hudson Falls Village police would say only that the investigation was continuing.
The boy’s mother told the Daily News she found a lurid E-mail exchange between the teacher and her son on school computers that Hall and her son used while she supervised the school computer lab.
“If this was a girl victim with a male teacher, there would have been an arrest immediately,” said the outraged mom, whose identity is being withheld to protect her son.
Hall, who was hired by the school in March, did not respond to requests for comment.
In later developments: A local teacher already facing charges of having inappropriate sexual contact with one of her students, faced separate charges of forgery on Tuesday. 31-year-old Karlie Hall is accused of forging checks and cashing them at the Quarters Rental Agency in Lake George where she once worked. Last month, Hall was arrested after being accused of exchanging sexual emails with a 14-year-old student and baring her breast to him and a friend. She has since resigned her position with the Hudson Falls School District. Hall was sent to jail on $80,000 bail.