Jack Lawrence writes: Gene… nice talking with you yesterday…. I wanted to cut and paste this posting that I did on Annie’s Yahoo Fan Group so you know how she’s doing……. she is bummed out to have to cancel some shoots, because she REALLY enjoys getting pounded…. I think she will be able to make a shoot on Monday…. just a lot of bed rest until then…. P.S. I have no opinions about black pumps…
Lawrence writes on the Yahoo group: I had just completed a hot scene for Team Tyler with Mika Tan when the call came in from Annie. She had been shooting a Lesbian scene with a whole bunch of girls on the other side of the valley…. Annie was shooting stills on a break from the video and was on a tall stage… she accidently stepped off the edge and fell…. her right thigh skidded against the stage and was scraped pretty badly… she luckily was wearing fishnet stockings that protected her from tearing skin off. I rushed from my set and treated her with my EMT kit that I always keep in the trunk.
Annie suffered some pretty heavy brusing and has a lot of subdermal trauma on the back of her thigh. She was in a lot of pain and I took her home and got some pain killing meds on board. Since nothing actually bleed, I am hoping that she dosn’t have any long lasting scarring from the accident. I believe that she will be off work for about a week and feel pain for weeks when sitting down.
Annie was by my side last years when I broke 2 ribs on a set (and went on to start and finish a tough scene) as well as the day before our wedding when I was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance when I slipped a disk in my back. Now I know how she felt, because seeing someone you really love in pain is a major bummer…
I know Annie has a lot of special fans who really care about her… it might be a few days before she can get to her computer, so if anyone wants to wish her a speedy recovery here or in a private email, I will print them up and bring them to bed for her to read.
Thanks so much to those who have been following Annie’s career and making her feel special. Believe me, we get energy from our fans and THAT’s why we do porn. We could be making more money doing other things, believe me… we DO do it for the fans! 😉
-Jack Lawrence