Joe Brandi writes on Heres my gripe. Now granted I work insane hours as most of you who know me know. I am up at 8am and usually work until 1-2 am 6 days..sometimes 7 days a week. I do not expect everyone to have my drive, but I have always been like this since I was a kid. Now, being older, Im addicted to work ( and money ) and have set goals. Again..its not for everyone.
With that being said, I come from a finance background. I was a Financial Advisor for over 10 years and it is much different then this industry and it is rather annoying the lack of professionalism I deal with daily from people who havent a clue. I have run some of the biggest brokerage firms in Long Island and have trained many on how to make money as a broker. If you worked for me then you did business the right way..all the time.
NO ONE..and I repeat NO ONE is more busy then me or cant pick up the phone or reply to an email that takes 1 minute to do.
This industry for the most part is filled with good people but most have not a clue on business. You get kids who are “affiliate managers” who do not know their ass from their elbow, you get website “owners” who think they are the biggest best thing in the world because they make $5-10k a month. If you make $1 or $50,000 you should still be professional and have respect to others.
Now granted as an Owner of my company I am very anal. I dont like having anyone do anything for me because I want it done my way and trust no one with my money or business. I make all the decisions daily. Problem is that when you have people in this industry contact you they usually have to go higher up to get an answer and thats where my temper starts. Dont contact me and then wait a week to get back to me. You snooze you lose in this world and there does not seem to be enough intelligence when it comes to decision making. Owners are having people represent their company who really shouldnt be. I could make a list of people that I consider rude, disrespectful and again..unprofessional.
I hate IM’s and I hate emails. If you want to do business then pick up the phone…introduce yourself…and get to business. Instant messages is not a way to conduct business.
I have closed multi-million dollar deals over the phone in minutes. I raised millions from investors that I have never met face to face…..not on an Instant Messenger that has no personality. You can get a good feel of the intelligence level of an individual over the phone..not so much on Instant Messenger and I think that is why many hide behind it.
So starting today I have decided that instant messenger is only available to people I already have a business relationship with. If anyone want to do business with me or any company I work for then they will have to call. IM takes way to much time as well and honestly I have no…well, time for it.