Porn Valley – On KSEX, Friday night Katie Morgan talked about her experiences at Erotica L.A. where she was signing for DVSX. According to Morgan, a man that hands out roses to specific porn stars, gave her a book of wishes, prayers, blessings, philosophies and words of wisdom. Morgan said she’s seen him a few times at other shows. During the course of the show, Morgan said another dude then came up to her asking what after party she was going to. Morgan said she didn’t know and the guy handed her a flyer and walked away.
“The flyer was full of crystal meth,” Morgan said. “I freaked out. “I went to Javier at DVSX and said, dude, I’m not opening it. I don’t know what’s in here. He opened it up and it was like holy shit. He threw it in the trash. I was scared shitless and everybody freaked out. It was bad. That’s the first time I ever got drugged.”
Wankus said it wasn’t like she got infected by it. Morgan said it was like powder and blue crystals. “I never saw drugs before. It was creepy.” Morgan said the flyer that wrapped the drugs was for another party and had the guy’s phone number. Wankus said if he knew the people at DVSX they had a chick call the guy and ask if she could come over. “And then they show up and the guy gets his ass kicked by ten fuckin’ big assed black guys.” Wankus said he wasn’t trying to be racist except that it sounds more scary to talk about big black guys. “You say ten big white guys are coming over, it’s, like, whatever.”