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Working very well as a team, Nikki Charm and Katie Summers were on the air Sunday afternoon taking their turn at the Rob Black Internet-thing.
Summers, fired up, said she was doing research on Farrah Abraham particularly after Abraham’s dumb remarks about James Deen having a small penis. Summers wondered how, since Deen has a sex toy line commemorating his member.
“You’re the biggest fucking idiot in this world,” Summers stated. Charm wondered how stretched out Abraham had to be to consider Deen small.
Charm said after seeing her share of the world, James Deen’s cock is large and makes his legs look little and had this advice for Abraham, “I think you need to go to a doctor and get medical help. It’s beyond a psychological issue.”
A caller in asked Summers opinion of Bonnie Rotten.
“She’s a sweetheart and super cute, too,” said Summers. “She’s been doing really good with her career.”
Summers and the caller also agreed that BTS is one of the most interesting aspects of a DVD release and that you get to see a real side of people and the porn world.
Summers also said she was obsessed with Justin Bieber who curried a lot of disfavor recently with his remark about Anne Frank possibly being a fan of his if she were living today.
“If you want to make a sex tape get me,” said Summers. “I love you and you’re really hot.”
If that were to happen, Charm virtually guaranteed that Summers wouldn’t make comments about Bieber’s dick size. Summers is also of the opinion that Billy Glide may be the biggest porn performer working right now.
“For a white guy,” laughed Summers. It’s the size of an elephant trunk and it gets bigger.”
Charm has worked with Glide and remembered having real difficulty accommodating him. Charm also put it out to her listeners to phone in about what kind of porn they liked.
“In my personal life what I’ll watch is a lot different from what I’ll actually do,” said Charm answering her own question.
“I have a lot of limits on camera. In my personal life I do regular anal sex which I’ve only done on camera twice. In my personal life the person I was with watched a lot of gay porn.” Consequently Charm developed a liking for it.
“But that was fantasizing. I’m more into the soft affectionate type of sex in my personal life.” Charm confessed that when she was younger she was with a cross dresser.
“That was fun for awhile then I wanted to fuck a man again.”
For her part Summers says she likes amateur extreme porn.
“Crazy wild home made movies. I like to see real couples doing it. This is a stranger [to Summers]. This is a cool that a woman would let her husband do this to her.”
One caller in said he likes to watch all the squirt porn he can get his hands on. Summers noted that Charm and her “hot hole” was a squirter.
“She is a squirt machine and will brag and brag about it.”
Charm estimates that she squirts at least 20 times a day.
Charm was also curious what her listeners determine is a “star.”
“What makes your star your fantasy girl? Is it a girl you see on a lot of boxcovers or in mainstream press? Is it something that she’s inaccessible? How you define is the perfect girl to you?
“To me being in star is someone who has great poise,” said Charm. Charm is of the opinion that Summers has those qualities.
“She really has that star quality where she’s approachable but not exactly accessible. That’s what makes her a star. She’s that one and only girl you’re probably not going to meet on the street.”
You can listen to re-runs of this show at