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Kid Vegas a Free Man

Las Vegas- I spoke to Kid Vegas this afternoon. He’s heading into Las Vegas and intends on partying his ass off tonight. “I’m going to get fucked up,” he laughs.

Then he’ll be back in Porn Valley by tomorrow. During our interview, the Kid told me about his odyssey that took him from court rooms in Nye County, Nevada to Brazil, the Caribbean, French Guyana and finally Niagara Falls before he took a tour of the country on a Con Bus.

“This was my last court date,” said the Kid. “I got convicted of two misdemeanors- disturbing the peace and one gross misdemeanor, conspiracy of failure to appear while admission of bail.” It was time served and the Kid already had something like eleven months between Canada and New York. The Kid says his case was third or fourth on the calendar this morning.

“And the judge sounded like he was going to give me six months in the County jail,” the Kid continued, “until I opened my mouth and told him I’ve been out since June. You let me out on OR. I haven’t been in any trouble at all. I’ve done almost a year if you count Canada and New York.”

All this being said, The Kid vows he’ll suck dick before he ever goes back to Nye County, Nevada where all his troubles started when he attended a party, and his girlfriend at the time accused him of sexually assaulting her.

Vegas, aka Scott Austin, says he hasn’t spoken to the girl since that occasion.

“I went out of town with my supposed girlfriend at the time,” Austin recalls. “She took me to this little town, Beatty. We went up there and I spent a weekend with her. It was the 100th year anniversary of that town. Her brother decided to have a party at the house. I said, fuck no. That shit’s not going to happen with me. Then they said, okay, we’ll be in the back house. I figured it was going to be a couple of teenagers and maybe their friends hanging out, playing pool. I watched movies with the girl in the main house, and the party in the back got out of control. There were like 40, 50 people there and I kicked everybody out.

“My girlfriend was falling asleep on the couch after drinking a six pack of Smirnov Ice. I woke her up and said the shit’s out of control. Your brother’s head’s in a trash can. He’s passed out vomiting. People are breaking bottles and glasses and throwing cigarettes out in the yard. I was like you got to end this shit or take me back to Vegas. She was alright, put the locks on the gates and kick everybody out. I said alright. I kicked everybody out and dragged her brother in. I gave him a blanket and a pillow. Essentially I cleaned up their mess after they left and I got really tired after filling up three trash bags of assorted alcohol.

“I picked up their shit, went back into the house, tried to climb back in bed with my chick and tried to have sex with her,” he goes on to say. “She said, no, don’t touch me. I said what the fuck ever, blew her off, rolled over and went to sleep. I was going to break up with her after we got back to Vegas. Basically she woke me up in the morning, was standing at the door and said the police want to talk to you. Talk to me? Talk to me about what? I said, sweetie, this is your pad. You’re a grownup, you’re 19 years old. You deal with it. It’s your brother. It’s your place. All I did was kick people out like you asked me to. I didn’t participate in their party. I didn’t hang out at the party. I drank beer and watched a fucking movie with you. You fell asleep on me.”

Austin said he told the cops the same thing, that he had nothing to do with the ruckus.

“Then all of the kids started pointing to me and said he bought us all the alcohol. I didn’t buy a motherfuckin’ thing but they said we have videos of you buying alcohol. I bought myself a 12-pack of which there was nine beers left in the refrigerator. I said all I had was a couple. My girlfriend had a six pack of Smirnov Ice. She drank them all, and that’s all I bought at that store. They said, supposedly, two girls went with you to the store. I said go look at the videotape. You see me getting out. Nobody was with me. I came by myself and left by myself.”

Austin was playing down the fact with the cops that his girlfriend, 19, was drinking.

“But she was in her own pad,” he emphasized. “She just didn’t drink hard alcohol. She was going nowhere. She wasn’t driving. She’s in her own house. She has 300 guns on the wall and a gun store and access to every handgun in the house. If she’s got access to handguns why can’t she drink a couple of bottles of Smirnov Ice?”

According to Austin, the cops told him they were going to drive him down the road and write him a ticket.

“Two cops showed up at the house,” says Austin. “They pulled me outside and asked where my weapon was. They went in the bedroom, got my weapon, came back out. They asked me about the party. They said they were just going to write me a ticket, drive me up the road and that’s it. We got to make it look like we’re doing our job because everybody’s looking out their window and everybody’s watching right now because everybody’s pissed that their kids were drinking at the party.”

Austin told them no problem and the police handcuffed him and put him in a police car. They explained that they were going to ask him to leave town immediately.

“I said no problem,” Austin states. “You don’t have to ask me twice. I’ve been asking her that since yesterday. I’ve been arguing with her about leaving. Then they went into this trailer park home where another cop car was parked and they left me in the car for about an hour with the heater on full blast and the windows rolled up at 7:30 in the morning. As I’m sitting there cars start showing up. Peoples’ parents start showing up. There’s maybe 50- 60 people and they’re all going in this trailer home. I’m going, what’s this bullshit? Why am I sitting in the car.? Then I see my girlfriend go in with her alcoholic mother, the real one, and her brother. It was at her step mother’s that we were staying at.

“Anyway the cops come back out and they go now you’re going to jail for sexual assault. I go on who? They say your girlfriend. I’m, you got to be kidding me. This has got to be a joke. Do you know what I do for a living? I’m, like, I don’t throw myself on anybody. Do you know how many girls I have? I have two other girlfriends and they’re, you’re going to jail. They took me to jail and I bailed out six days later.

“After exhausting all remedies of getting a fair trial, I decided I had to leave for awhile and figure out what to do. So I took a vacation.”

That vacation turned out to be a trip to Brazil for which Austin had a round-trip ticket.

“Court wasn’t scheduled until April 7th and my plane ticket was coming back April 4th or something like that,” he explains.

While he was on vacation, Austin said he got a call from a friend the end of March giving him the heads up that some cops were by his house looking for him and that they had a warrant for his arrest.

“I said, really? It looks like I’m not coming back. So I didn’t come back April 7th and that’s how they got me for the conspiracy.”

According to Austin, a warrant was issued on March 7th claiming the court date was that day instead of April as he first thought.

“They didn’t make that clear in court,” says Austin. “The last date they told me was April 7th. I asked them what time and they said 10 o’clock. Cool. Then I left [on vacation]. Then they turned around and changed the date on the transcripts- you can see that. So they issued a warrant before I was supposed to appear.”

Austin, armed, with a passport, said he had no trouble leaving the country.

“There wasn’t a warrant for my arrest at the time,” he explains. “They didn’t issue that warrant until after I was gone.” Austin went to Brazil and got bored there, he says. Then he went to French Guyana.

“That was completely boring and I only stayed there for about a week,” he adds. “Then I went to the Caribbean, Antigua, the British Virgin Island; I entered the US Virgin Islands and they flagged me there. I thought they were going to arrest me when I came into St. John’s.” From the Caribbean, Vegas then flew into Toronto, Canada from Antigua; and as soon as he landed, he filed a refugee claim.

“I was aware that they had a warrant for my arrest and I knew because they red-flagged me at the airport and told me I had to go to immigration,” says Austin. “They put a pink line through my immigration form and wrote I-96 or something which probably means warrant. I figured I’m flagged and I said I want to file a refugee protection, political asylum. They put me in Toronto West Detention Center and from there I went to Lindsey, Ontario. I was in Central East Correctional center and I sat up there for a few months. Then they took me down to Niagara Detention Center in Ontario. Then they deported me and took me to Niagara City Jail. From there I went to Niagara County Jail and they extradited me two weeks later. I waived extradition. Then then took me across the United States in a bus for ten days. I stopped in Texas, spent one night. Then I went to Kentucky and we spent six hours there before I got on another bus. It was inhumane treatment.”

Austin rails against the company- Trans Cor.

“They’re the company that handles extradition,” Austin explains. They handle it instead of hiring US Marshals because it’s too expensive. They transport people, and they’re inhumane. I don’t think even terrorists should be transported through that service. You can’t wash your hands after you use the bathroom. You can’t wash your face. They take you on this white bus that has these thin windows. You’re in two cages before you can get to the front seat. They sit there with a shotgun and they have three people driving. They switch off.”

“This is like Con Air,” I suggest.

“Kind of,” Austin laughs. “Except you’re on a bus.” Austin was finally dropped off at Tonopah in Nevada.”After stopping in just about every state possible in the United States,” Austin adds. “I went from Niagara Falls. I went to Philly first and they had to drop people off. We came back through the Bronx then headed south through Kentucky, Tennessee and all those states; then we dropped off somebody in Missouri. I was on three separate buses where I took a tour of the United States.”

Austin says he’ll be at the AEE Show this year to show his face. And his intention is to direct again. He says he’s gotten an offer from Extreme and has shot a couple of scenes for them including a BJ scene and a pissing scene.

“I pissed on my ex girlfriend Mindy,” he states. “Not too may people get to piss on their ex girlfriends.”

For now, Austin claims he’s been working, supervising a cannabis club.

“I’ve been doing that for about six months,” he laughs. I had to ask Austin one basic question- how was he able to finance all those ramblings in foreign countries.

“I’m good with people,” he answers. “I know how to get around. I shot a little bit of stuff while I was out of the country. While I was in the Caribbean I shot a couple of weddings. Then I had a little help from some of the local islanders I made friends with. They let me stay at their place. Then I did a lot of survival shit on my own. Like I lived on this one beach on this little tiny island a month and half. Basically most of my food I got was from islanders- families that would be cooking. I just happened to stop by at the right time. Or I would go fishing. I’d catch all kinds of weird fish and ask how to cook them.”

Austin, for the most part, was able to get by on English and picked up some Portuguese in his travels in Brazil.

“I had a little Brazilian girlfriend and lived with her in her apartment,” he says. “She basically fed me for like two months. I couldn’t get any money sent to me in Brazil because they have some law in California- you can’t send anything to Brazil.”

By the time Austin got to French Guyana, he was waiting for money to be wired to him.

“Maybe I can write a book about it,” Austin muses. “I got times, dates, how much it cost to get on a ferry; plane rides that I did. I have a journal that I kept. I sent a lot of lot of footage to Marc Starr while I was out of the country. I have me in the back of a 4 by 4 going through the jungle in Brazil- the real jungle with Brazilians. I felt like a Mexican crossing the border and they all speak fast Portuguese in northern Brazil. Then I took a boat; then a 56 hour bus ride from Rio to Bolem. At Bolem I had to take a 26 hour boat ride with a hundred people in hammocks. I was totally in the jungle when I got to northern Brazil. I was the only white boy there, too. I think some of those Indians have never seen a white boy before because they all stared at me every time I passed them. They thought I was a ghost or something. Maybe.”


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