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SALT LAKE CITY – from www.courthousenews.com – An office manager claims her boss pursued her relentlessly, giving her a how-to-dress schedule that included “Mini-skirt Monday, no panties allowed”, “Wet T-shirt Wednesday,” and “No-bra Thursday”, and fired her for rejecting his advances.
In her federal discrimination complaint, Trudy Nycole Anderson claims Derek Wright, the owner of co-defendants Lone Peak Controls and D&L Electric Control Co., subjected her to sexual abuse and harassment for three years.
Wright even forced her to sign a document stating that she “would agree to allow him to sexually harass her in any way that he wanted to. Wright told Ms. Anderson to sign this under threat of losing her job. Wright often used intimidation. Wright later posted the agreement in the office, making frequent reference to it in conversations with others,” according to the complaint.
Anderson claims Wright’s obnoxious behavior included “repeatedly ask(ing) Ms. Anderson for a blow job,” telling her “that he would give her a mammogram for free” telling her “in lurid detail how to make a ‘sex cake,'” “purchas(ing) a spray that was meant to arouse women and spray(ing) it around the room,” telling her “that he was installing a shower so they could shower together.”
The 11-page complaint describes other offensive, sexual behavior, to which Anderson says she objected, and which caused her “severe stress.” He grabbed her butt, watched pornography at the office and sent her pornographic emails, she says.
She says Anderson fired her in February to retaliate for her rejection of his advances and her requests that he stop.
She says she continues to suffer from ulcers and insomnia because of the years of harassment. She seeks lost wages and punitive damages for sexual harassment, battery and emotional distress.
She is represented by Kenneth Parkinson with Howard, Lewis & Petersen, of Provo.