Porn Valley- Skeeter Kerkove was lost but now he is found. After about five weeks of being incommunicado, Skeeter talked at length with me this week. This afternoon we had lunch at Jerry’s Deli in Woodland Hills but I wasn’t taking notes except the mental variety. Skeeter, who I consider one of my best friends in the business, was telling me his story. Actually a pretty bizarre story involving a tattooed husband in the lead role. And I’m thinking here’s a real book spilled from today’s porno headlines. Also out of the side of my eye I’m checking out this one blond waitress with huge cans and a big ass that is spilling out of her jeans. Skeeter’s saying, yeah, she’s beautiful agreeing with my assessment.
Skeeter’s also telling me he’s lost maybe 19 pounds but was getting some of it back. Ordinarily Skeeter opts for wearing a blue bandana, a black tank top, matching color pants and black boots. Today he would have blended in with the deli crowd. He was wearing a tan color New York Yankees cap, blue plaid long sleeve shirt and sunglasses. Joe Average.
The last time I saw Skeeter was next to the last week in April. He was scheduled to shoot a movie for Metro the last Friday of the month but something happened. His ex-wife Bridgette apparently hit him with molestation charges involving his youngest daughter, and that was that for the Metro shoot as far as Skeeter was concerned.
I got a call from Skeeter’s mother the night before the shoot telling me Skeeter was sick and that the shoot was cancelled. But I didn’t hear about the so-called charges until some time later. And hearing what I’ve heard I can understand why Skeeter was sick. Heartbroken, more like it. This is a man who truly loves his children. I’ve seen evidence of it time and again.
Even the lawyer he’s retained figured that out right away. Skeeter’s telling me this guy wouldn’t have even considered the case if there was a glimmer, a possibility that Skeeter was guilty. The lawyer has no use for child molesters and told Skeeter as much. More so, the lawyer checked out his story before he would take the case.
Finally there was an investigation. But no physical evidence could be found to link Skeeter with the charges. Those being the facts of the case so far, Skeeter’s asking his lawyer, okay, where does the slander come in and who can he go after.
For now, that’s all Skeeter wants to or probably can say about the subject. He gives me his lawyer’s name, then tells me about the money he’s lost from not shooting movies, not to mention the hefty attorney fees. Right now there’s a hearing scheduled for June 13th. And I’m sure there will be many more. I’m hearing the names Ashley Blue and Venus being thrown into the mix- links in the he said, she said gossip chain. From what I’m told, Blue and Venus were enabling the story to get out there. They may now have to testify. And, according to Skeeter, they’ll have to tell the truth.
Skeeter’s telling me about a case similar to his and about how that dragged on for three years. And I’m listening to the details of his own, truly amazed at Skeeter’s capacity for facts and time lines. Ever since I met him in Mexico six years ago Skeeter could give you astonishing recaps of porn shoots. And, in the same way, he’s tracing events in the six years of his married life which is over and done with for all practical purposes.
Like the time his ex, who’s now retained a bodyguard, punched his tooth out in March, I ask him if he’s willing to go for the throat because this will certainly get ugly. He doesn’t care about that, Skeeter says, and goes into another time when his mother-in-law made charges that he shot a porn movie with Quasarman, featuring performers like Mark Davis and Aurora Snow, all with his kids allegedly hanging around the set. Then I hear about the time Skeeter was supposed to have paid me off to write an article casting his ex-wife in a bad light – specifically the time she had a face off with Missy Monroe on a porn set. Amazing how I was able to connive Missy into pissing so I could write that story I’m telling Skeeter, always wondering about that story since Missy hadn’t done anything wrong when you consider the facts.
I ask Skeeter about things like motive and why these present events would be happening. Money for one thing, he suspects. Then he laughs. What money after all this is over. Then there’s revenge and jealousy. And you’ve got your movie of the week.
But, for now, all Skeeter wants to do is clear his name and get some measure of vindication. So far he’s gotten a lot of support from video companies who would have him direct at a bat of an eye His eyes brighten when he talks about really positive conversations with Joey Wilson. But his eyes darken knowing the noose that’s been thrown around his own neck and kept there. A couple of months ago Skeeter was giving me details of a case that put him on a sex predator’s list. It happened years ago. Wished it had never happened, he says with a shrug of his shoulders. But what are you going to do. Except all of this has been put in his face time and again and used as a loaded gun.
Skeeter’s then telling me this other story about the time he took his kids to the Long Beach Aquarium. Maybe it was the same visit, or maybe it was another time. Bridgette’s telling him about the child molesters all around them, asking him why he couldn’t tell these people were child molesters, then he was apparently given sure-fire hints as to how you could pick one out in the crowd. I venture an opinion. Skeeter says, yeah, someone else told him the same thing.