Porn Valley- Rock promoter John Finberg is the architect behind the Society 1 “suspension show” Thursday night at the Key Club on the Sunset Strip where the band’s leader, Matt Zane, will be suspended from the ceiling with meat hooks. Finberg was on KSEX Tuesday night to talk about the show with Tim Case and Felicia Fox.
Finberg, producer of the event, talked about the free show at the club. During the show Zane’s going to be suspended by six meat hooks through the flesh of his back and shoulders. Zane is, obviously, no stranger to this type of event but Case was blown away by the possibilities that Zane’s skin might tear. “That’s amazing,” said Case. “I think most people wouldn’t realize the skin was that resilient- that it would hold that much weight.” Finberg said they were looking for someone 100 pounds that Zane could pick up off the stage while suspended.
The doors open at 7 Thursday night. “There’s going to be a bunch of Wankus-hosted contests that will be set up,” Finberg said, noting that Orgy’s Jay Gordon will also be a part of the show. “He hasn’t been on stage in three years.” Finberg said the best part of the show will be downstairs where KSEX will be broadcasting live starting at 5 pm PT till 2 am. According to Finberg, there will be magazine shoots as well as other media coverage, including HBO, throughout the night.
According to Finberg, 700 people will be allowed in the building. Anyone 18 and over will be allowed in. Finberg, among other things, mentioned that there are items to be considered such as puke clean-up fees. Case was curious about health issues. “Surely there’s going to be some blood.” To that question Finberg specified that he wasn’t wanted in any states except for the possibility of warrants in Pennsylvania and Maryland. “I’m wanted in one state for touching another man,” he joked. “In Alabama I think it’s against the law.”
Also, according to Finberg, Zane, in preparation for the show was enduring Day 36 of his celibacy. “He won’t leave he house or anything.” Case asked if that really meant sex. Finberg said that included no release or anything. Case found it hard to believe that Zane hadn’t manipulated his penis for 36 days. “That’s why he’s mad at you,” Finberg told Case.
“Was I supposed to help him with it?” Case wanted to know. Finberg said Zane was out of control and as soon as the show was done he was going to be taken backstage where he could rub one off. For himself, Finberg said the longest he’s gone has been nine days. “I’m currently in the middle of that,” he said.
Case said he and Fox, themselves, will be broadcasting live from ten till midnight at the show while Zane is being suspended. “We’ll be doing our show while he’s hanging.” Case said he and Fox are into the whole body modification-thing. Finberg has neither tattoos or piercings, but Case let it be known that he’s had his scrotum pierced. “For those of you who aren’t aware, we do spend a lot of time naked at our house.”
Finberg suspected that must be a scary sight. Also on the performing docket will be Joey Strange, said Finberg. “He does the same stuff,” said Finberg who mentioned that Strange has also been featured on TV’s Ripley’s Believe It or Not. “This whole show is based on body piercing. Essentially there’s going to be a guy who’s going to lay in a box and they’re going to stick 40 swords in the box.” Case made the casual observation that the guy in the box is going to die.
“He’s [Strange] done it before,” said Finberg. “He showed me body scars all over.” Finberg said anyone from the audience who wants to come up and touch and see if this is for real, is invited to do so. Case wanted to make sure that this wasn’t going to be like the Altamont show where the Hells Angels provided security for The Rolling Stones.