Whoever wrote this article isn’t aware of the fact that porn-week vacations started ten years ago when Scott Stein began organizing them.
from www.newser.com – If Club Med is too boring for you, why not try a new vacation idea in 2010: Porn Week. The travel company offers tourists the chance to watch a porn movie being made, with the bonus opportunity of helping out behind the scenes—or, in the case of a few new porn stars who got their start at Porn Week, helping out in the scenes themselves, CNBC reports.
The travel trend even has its own reality show in the UK, aptly titled Porn Week. Not surprisingly, the majority of travelers are single men—but they have to be able to afford a $2,000 trip, plus airfare (the sets can be as distant as Prague or Budapest). “We don’t tend to get the raincoat brigade,” says a producer. “We’ve had everyone from airplane pilots to doctors to dentists.”