from – A 69-year-old Washington state grandmother is the latest casualty of copyrite infringement lawsuits by porn companies.
Margaret wrote to me today saying her computer has been identified as downloading illegal porn by Patrick Collins, Inc., [pictured] which has filed massive lawsuits all over the country claiming copyright infringement.
“I was named in one of those lawsuits. I live in Washington State. There is no way me or anyone else did this. My nearest neighbor is 250 feet away. I think that when they asked for the list of IP’s a number was transposed (which they say is impossible). I am 69 years old, on social security $770 a month. There is a medicare deduction of $110. And I have COPD. My advair copay is $57 a month and so I only get it every other month so I can use $57 for food every other month,” Margaret wrote me.
“I write bible studies and there is no way I did this. No one has been on my computer and my router is protected. My husband has mac notebook that is old and he only uses it to read the news paper. He doesn’t even know how to send an email or turn the computer on, I have to do it.”
She said she contacted Patrick Collins Inc. in Florida and was told she would have to pay $2,380 to settle out of court.
“I told them I could pay $25 a month, but then I would have to give up my advair and will probably die,” she wrote me. ”hey don’t care. They said I did it or I was responsible for someone who did. I am not saying I am praying for this horrible man to die, but it would not hurt my feelings if he did. He is preying on old people who do not do these things he is claiming.”
Margaret is one of three people who contacted me this week telling me they have been sued on similar claims. One 67-year-old man from Colorado conceded he did illegally download one movie, while a California man claims he has no recollections of downloading anything illegally.