Now that Peter “The check is in the mail, but it’s less than what you thought it was” Davy is in the mainstream news again, let’s go back in time to when the Jolly Ol’ Porner taped OJ Simpson having sex. It was in 2001 and Simpson made waves about suing Globe, the tabloid for writing a story that he was in a porn film.
Globe’s story said that Simpson “romped with his [then] girlfriend Christie Prody and Penthouse model Patty Kuprys as cameras filmed the XXX-rated action” in room 310 of the Mutiny Hotel in Miami’s Coconut Grove.
It was a scene practically duplicating the one when John Bowen arranged to have Kendra Jade lure then fuck Jerry Springer in a hotel room with, likewise, hidden cameras rolling.
Simpson’s lawyer, Yale Galanter argued that Simpson was “set up” by the Globe, and claimed Simpson was in the room with the two women but that they only had a nightcap.
Globe maintained that Simpson made love to the two women eight times.
Galanter claimed Simpson was “never undressed” and “high-tailed it out of the room” after he noticed a tiny camera in “the wall or in one of the plants.”
Globe contended Simpson was fully aware that porn producer Peter Davy, possessor of the largest array of Louis XVIII wigs this side of France, was taping him in the adjoining room. But Simpson, it also said, pretended to be the victim of a sting because no one would buy the tape if they knew OJ was benefitting from it.
Davy, by the way, introduced Houston to the porn industry and managed her career for a spell. Houston is reported to be battling a life-threatening form of cancer.