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from – Last month, director Princess Donna (perhaps you remember her Guardian advice column?) took a risk and made a gangbang movie featuring bad, bad pandas.
Per usual, change was hard. Some members rebelled — “I haven’t even watched this because there is nothing about pandas fucking a girl that would make me get remotely aroused,” said one user in the video’s comments section.
“The reaction was exactly what I expected it to be,” Donna told us in a email interview.
“Some people think it’s the best thing that ever happened, some people think it’s the worst porn ever made. That’s what happens when you take risks.”
People, can’t a woman take risks every once in awhile? She didn’t get to be the director of three subsites for nothing.
“My ideas make money for the company, that is my role,” Donna said when we asked her about the part she plays at the Armory.
“But my focus was never on what people would think, my focus was on feeling free to express myself creatively and allowing myself the freedom to create things regardless of what the response would be.”
The video is kind of gorgeous, especially (and perhaps this is our ignorance showing but) for a gang bang porn. You get a full storyline — panda hallucinations! Freakouts at the bank! — before porn starlet Ashli Orion is subjected to five panda penises. Well, human penises (including that of porn crossover star James Deen, whose participation is the subject of our cover story next week) sticking through custom-designed cock holes in panda suits, but you get the idea.
What would it be like to be in a panda gang bang? To the best of Donna’s knowledge this was the first, so really only one woman knew the answer to our question: the baby-faced Ashli Orion, star of PANDAMONIUM!!! PANDA LULLABY!!! PANDA PORNO!!!!! So duh, we called her up.
SFBG: So tell me about how you found out about the panda porn.
AO: I didn’t find out I was doing the panda porn until I got to Kink that morning. I got off the plane and I saw Princess Donna and she was like “guess what, we’re going to do a panda porn!” and I was like are you serious? Oh my gosh. Because it was Gang Bang, so I was like pandas? This is gonna be great. I was so excited, I was so stoked.
SFBG: Have you shot for that site before?
AO: I have actually, I shot a scene with Lily Labeau – James was also in that one, we were actually just bound up. It was Bound Gang Bangs, there was no panda suits.
SFBG: Damn. What was it like shooting the panda porn?
AO: You know what, it was really fun. We got to do an intro, kind of like a movie monologue, like montage at the beginning. I saw the pandas, they’re so cute, and I totally forgot I was there for bondage, and then they start smacking me around. I was like oh fuck, I forgot I’m getting beat up now. I’m like, I thought pandas were nice!
SFBG: Right, I watched the movie and your lines in it were the best.
AO: I haven’t watched – only the trailers.
SFBG: You haven’t watched the thing?
AO: I watched the beginning, but I hate watching myself. You know, I don’t know I hate seeing myself naked.
SFBG: Yeah, I hear you. That’s unique, though.
AO: It was pretty cool and crazy because all the guys, they’re, you know, they’re all fit, but they have these big [panda] bellies so their cocks couldn’t come out all the way. And there was hair everywhere, in my mouth, on their cocks, in my pussy, in my ass. It was nuts, it was just like – I don’t even know how it turned out. It was like, whoa pandas!
SFBG: Pandas everywhere. Did Princess Donna tell you why she wanted to shoot with pandas?
AO: She just told me she wanted to do something crazy, like out of the box. Is there a real reason I don’t know?
SFBG: No no, I was just asking.
AO: Yeah, she just wanted to do something different because she was sick of doing the same old thing. She used me because I’m down for anything usually.
SFBG: Yeah totally. When you were shooting it did you think at all of what the audience reception was going to be like?
AO: I was actually really excited. I don’t know, I thought it was funny. I figured if I was younger and not in porn I would show it to my friends, like viral porno. Look at these pandas fucking this girl!
SFBG: Have you kept track of the member comments on the website?
AO: Yeah, I did actually. I saw how horrible they were because they were like “we want to see a Bound Gang Bang, not pandas. This is a different site, I’m canceling my membership, I’m not into furries.” And then other people were like “ooo I have a new fetish. I love furries.” Everyone has their opinions, mine is just like, we created something creative and cool and I was down for it.
SFBG: Are you open to these types of projects in the future?
AO: Oh, totally!
SFBG: Kitties!
AO: Oh my gosh, I would love kitties. I’m a crazy cat lady.