Porn Valley- Will there be strip searches tonight at Porn Star Karaoke for GHB? Not likely, but, in any event, Sardos will be on red alert for any monkey business similar to that which happened last week in a GHB-related incident that landed Lisa The Lesbian in the hospital in near-fatal condition.
Seymour from Sardos also came on KSEX Monday night to discuss what happened.
Ginger Lynn began the show by urging Lisa to talk about what happened to her last week at Porn Star Karaoke. Amber Lynn said she was positively shocked to hear what happened to Lisa. Lisa noted that Porn Star Karaoke was not a KSEX-sponsored event, nevertheless a lot of people have been going to it. “It’s fun and you have a blast with people you know.” Ginger also noted that this was a situation that could happen anywhere to anyone. “We want to make people more aware of the problem. We’re talking about GHB.”
Ginger appeared to be pretty up on her initials offering a good summary of what the shit can do to you. “It’s a clear liquid that looks just like water,” she explained. “It does have a flavor. You can definitely tell what it is when you taste it. When you’re drinking something and it’s not right, don’t drink it,” she advised.
Lisa also offered pretty much the same re-cap that was available on yesterday. Lisa noted that a guy bought a round of drinks from the bar and brought it to the table she was sitting at. People at her table apparently knew him, she said but she didn’t have “a fuckin’ clue in the universe” who he was.
“He had dark hair. He was wearing a white shirt with maroon lettering.” Lisa figured the guy to be around 26. Lisa said she had tasted GHB before. “I talk a little teensy taste. It’s disgusting. You can tell what it is. It’s like floor cleaner.” Lisa said she hadn’t tasted anything in her drink and didn’t think anything about it. Lisa said she was subsequently carried out of Sardos not remembering anything.
On the way home Lisa was vomiting out of her nose and her mouth, according to her. Ginger asked the obvious question that if Lisa was going into seizures and vomiting, why would she be driven home. Lisa said it wasn’t that serious at first but once she got home, it was realized it was much more. “They were, like let’s call the ambulance.” At the hospital both a drug test and toxicology test were performed. The drug test came back negative whereas the toxicology came back “a little tweaked,” she said.
Ginger said it was men who usually tend to put these substances in women’s drinks. “Obviously because of the effects that it has. They same it’s similar to Ecstasy where you feel excited and you want to touch everything.” It was observed that when mixed with alcohol, the stuff’s very toxic. Noting that it was once used as an anesthetic, Ginger said you could take one teaspoon and get a good buzz. “And the same teaspoon can kill you that time or another time. It takes a very small amount.”
Ginger acknowledged that Lisa was lucky she made it and lived through it. “Often times people will go into a coma and pass out.” Ginger observed that if you notice someone acting way goofy and silly, don’t wait to see if they sleep it off. “People die.” Amber also advised that accepting a drink directly from a guy might be the tipoff. “Allow the waitress to bring it to your table.” Lisa said unless something like this happens to you, you don’t take it seriously.
Ginger said the guy who did it to Lisa should be dressed up like a woman. “Pull his pants down, give him a little GHB and let everybody go at him and fuck till he’s dead. It’s really sick.” Ginger said charges can include attempted manslaughter and homicide.
Speaking on behalf of Sardos, Seymour extended his deep regrets to Lisa about what happened. “I never thought this could happen in my place,” he said. “It was a rude awakening when I found all this out.” Seymour said he’s increased security and will have others, incognito, walking around. Seymour also cautioned against accepting drinks from strangers. “If you don’t know them personally, don’t accept them. Have them order the drinks through the waitress.” According to Seymour, the waitress will no longer drop drinks off at a table unless someone is present there to accept them. “And the bartenders are very aware of it also.” Seymour thinks they’ll be able to pick the person out of the crowd should he return. “If he shows up we’ll nail this guy.”
This also may have been the guy’s first time there, said Seymour. “No one has ever seen him before. Between three and four people, we have a very good description and even have a first name.” Seymour went on to say that a check of the credit charges for the evening indicated that the suspect didn’t make any under that name. However, Seymour said, with the assistance of Lisa, they’ll press charges. “We’ll hold him and call the police immediately.” Seymour said he’s worked very hard to keep Sardos clean and make sure everyone has a good time. “This really bothers me, also. I’ll try my damnedest that this won’t happen again.”