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Serial peeping tom gets 10 years in prison; ‘Crofton Creep’ shot thousands of videos, peeped on mom

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Annapolis, Maryland – from A Maryland man has been jailed after breaking into homes and secretly recording videos of hundreds of unsuspecting nude women.

Charles Novak, 35, of Crofton was sentenced to 10 years in jail Wednesday in Anne Arundel County Circuit Court for burglary and other charges. He was also ordered to register as a sex offender.

Novak was arrested in December after a woman told police she found a man sitting in a car in her garage. Officers said Novak had a camera with videos of nude women who didn’t appear to be aware they were being recorded.

Prosecutors say Novak had 2,282 video clips of 260 different women. Some of the women have been identified, but many have not.

WTOP reported that Novak recorded women undressing for bed, getting out of the shower and sleeping. Police seized camera equipment, a computer and hard drives from his home, according to WTOP. Investigators also found women’s bras and panties that had been stolen from his victims, police said.

Novak’s attorney said his client is obsessive-compulsive and wants to get help.


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