When it comes to Tina Tyler, Skeeter Kerkove doesn’t have much of a love story to tell. Skeeter was on the Dee and The Fat Men Show on KSEX Thursday night and was asked about the rumors concerning him and his wife Bridgette and his storied rifts with Sin City. Skeeter pretty much laid those at the foot of Tina Tyler’s bed, Tyler being the p.r. person at Sin City. Weiss asked Kerkove what his relationship with Tyler was.
“It’s crap,” said Skeeter bluntly. “I used to always get along with her fine. I would do anything, talk, whatever it was for promoting Mayhem [a Sin City line]. There was a problem one day. I went to try to take care of it. I talked to Tina for about 45 minutes.” Weiss said the scuttlebutt was that he was banned from the Sin City offices because he terrorized the employees.
Skeeter said he wasn’t banned from any offices and terrorized no one. “Tina made all that up. She’s a burned out has-been who exercised poor money management. She’s totally fucked. She hates it that the Kerkoves are fucking rich and successful. We don’t use drugs. And she’s had so much substance abuse problems. Her teeth are rotting. Her shit’s all fucked up.”
Skeeter said what upset him were Tyler’s lies and bringing Bridgette and him into it. “I love my wife. She (Tyler) opened the door. I’ll close it.” Attempting to clarify the issue, Weiss asked Skeeter if it was Tyler who gave the story to Jason Sechrest. Skeeter said, yes. “And he just took it like a dick up the ass,” Weiss responded.
“Tina’s his friend so he has every reason to trust her,” Kerkove said.