Porn Valley- After giving Matt Zane’s Society 1 an incredible amount of personal time and hooplah for its suspension show at The Key Club, March of last year, the DVD has finally come out. Except KSEX got nary a mention.
“And there’s a list of about fucking 600 people,” Wankus announced on KSEX this week. “No KSEX. No Wankus.” It was noted that Alana Evans also hosted and that the show’s promoter Jon Finberg had been on KSEX to talk up the show. “They thank all these people and no KSEX,” said Wankus on air. “Inconsiderate pieces of shit. Sonsofbitches.” Wankus said Society 1 got all this free promo. “Live and learn,” that’s the way it works in porn,” said Wankus. “You get burned, you don’t do it again. That’s the way it is.”
Finberg apparently came to the KSEX studios this week to give out copies of the DVD unaware of the KSEX slip-up. It was Wankus who pointed it out to him. Finberg was embarrassed by it, according to Wankus. “He came to KSEX because he just picked up those DVDs. He was all proud to give it to us thinking we were going to love it. Going through it he was, like, oh man, I can’t believe that.
“They did a thank you list in the insert of maybe 50 people,” Wankus continued. “And we got no credit. Alana who hosted it on stage didn’t get a thank you. And KSEX didn’t get a thank you. We broadcasted live and brought a lot of people there. Then, in the actual video, the camera flashes by KSEX once in a while- real quick. We really got no love in that production. It’s not that big of a deal because it’s a mainstream release for whatever they want to do, but we put a lot of work into it. We went out there for free and that cost us money to do that kind of shit. We showed up with a lot of equipment and paid our staff to be there. They gave us nothing.”