Porn Valley- So I had this chick over a couple of weeks ago. And I still call them chicks because I still listen to Sinatra.
In any event, she’s checking out my knick knacks and all the neat shit, souvenirs and chotchkies I keep on my bookshelves just in case chicks come over and feel the need to be seduced by colorful collections.
Seconds tick by. and I get just the response I’m looking for. She starts laughing. I ask her what’s so funny but I already know what’s prompted the outburst. It’s a yellow can sitting on a shelf – no bigger than a can of V-8 juice. It features Linda Lovelace of Deep Throat fame stretching and posing provocatively. And it says “Deep Throat” on the label just in case there’s any mistaking who this woman in a bathing suit is.
The chick asks the obvious question, like what is this thing, and I explain that it’s an energy drink,
And I’m almost tempted to offer her one, which in the old days I would have – complete with some knock-out drops added. But this is a new era, and $250 for the hour generally precludes the need for sleight of hand.
So at this point there’s really no need to suggest that the Deep Throat energy drink got me laid that evening because LA commerce already took care of that. But it does bring up another point- the fact that people react so positively to this product.
Arrow Production’s, marketing director Robert Interlandi has already discovered that. And since this Spring, from the announcement of it’s availability, Interlandi’s been to every trade show from sea to shining sea touting what’s got to be one of the adult industry’s best whiz-bang marketing gimmicks in ages.
This week Interlandi’s at a show in Atlantic City that’s tailor-made for this drink- it’s the Bar & Nite Club convention, where the mayor will probably not show up because he’s on the lam. The fifth mayor of that town in the last 40 years to be under some criminal investigation. But which has nothing to do with the Deep Throat Energy drink.
Granted, industry p.r. whiz Jeff Mullen’s got some pretty strong horses in his stable this year, any of which can walk away with a marketing campaign award. Only Mullen’s yet to figure a way to add lots of vodka or tequila to a Not The Bradys XXX DVD to make people really stupid.
And there Interlandi’s got a distinct advantage.