Can you imagine Harry Weiss rolling on you for the three count? In a wrestling ring, maybe. In a bedroom, well, you’re going to have to ask Julie Night that question. In what’s got to be the most astounding story of the week, P.R. man Weiss is dating porno girl Night and the topic is going to be discussed openly on KSEX’s Dee and the Fatmen tonight. Tune in at 5pm or thereabouts depending if Weiss’ sidekick Steve Seidman gets to a Quizno’s fast enough.
Seidman’s also in the middle of a hot topic of his own. Seems that Ryan and Summer Sweet in town for only two days from Ohio have given the state a bad name and have already put the screws to him. Summer Sweet apparently flaked on the Ed Powers shoot, and Seidman who was supposed to be their agent, was given the message that the Sweets are “chillin’.”
Seidman’s of the belief that too many people were putting shit in their minds- just what I also told the Sweets at karaoke Tuesday night to expect. “Guess what? They’re going to find out it’s not smart to fuck around,” added Seidman who can’t believe that Summer Sweet had the audacity to flake Powers’ shoot. “They blew him off of all fuckin’ people?”
Seidman said that a message was left for him that if he called he was to be told that the Sweets took the day off. “They took yesterday off, too,” Seidman added sarcastically. “I’m done with them. I don’t give too many chances.” The Sweets were originally booked to be on the Dee and The Fatmen show tonight but Seidman said that’s not happening. The topic of the show, by the way, is Dating or Married to a Porn Star.
Calling in some markers, Seidman intends not to let the Sweet incident go away lightly. “I’ve already made some phone calls,” he said. “I cancelled three shoots for them.” Seidman said there was no written stipulations involved in his repping the couple. “I still feel if they get their own work not done through me, why should I take a percentage. That’s not right. I came into this business as a manager to try to help girls form a career. I don’t have have an exclusive contract but they came out here because of me.” Additionally, Porno Steve fronted the Sweets for their AIM tests and has called AIM. “AIM will not release their tests to anybody without calling me first,” he said. “My agreement with them [The Sweets] was that I would take them around. I take 10 percent of stuff that I line up for them.” Seidman said he got a call from the Sweets last night. He already had shoots lined up, one with Don Hollywood. According to Seidman, Sweet told him that she wasn’t going to work that cheap. “They blew that off, too. But I had no problem with it.”
Porno Steve also heard that The Sweets were negotiating with both Julian and Peter North behind his back after he had made the initial introductions. According to Seidman, Ryan Sweet was already stomping around proclaiming that he could arrange all the shoots himself.