In a marvelous display of moxie, and, er, other positions, Ryan and Summer Sweet came on KSEX’s The Wanker Show Wednesday night and made public amends to Steve Seidman and the adult industry for their recent behavior. If you’ve been sleeping in a ditch for the last week and have no idea what this is about, the Sweets are a couple from Ohio who came into town last week, agreed to have Porno Steve represent them, then got swayed by the b.s. stories of other reps, particularly Kevin Rubio. The Sweets appeared a bit uneasy as if they were giving a deposition. Wankus told them to relax that they weren’t on trial.
Rubio of Ducati Productions, who dresses like Tony Soprano, lured the Sweets with an apparently rigged website and vague promises in what sounds like a tale of two rubes off the turnip truck. The Sweets met Seidman on the Internet through one of the model sites, they said. An exchange of conversation had the Sweets coming out to L.A. where Seidman had lined up some video work for them. “He was real helpful even when we were in Ohio,” Ryan Sweet recalled. “He was helping us line up some gigs there to help finance the visit out here.”
But, in the meantime, the Sweets had paid a visit to Felicia Fox’s where they heard some negative rumblings from guests about Seidman. The stories made the Sweets a bit timid, according to Ryan Sweet. Seidman, unaware of the comments, then took the Sweets to porn star karaoke where the Sweets met up with Rubio who’s been trolling the weekly conclave looking for clients. Summer Sweet said Rubio then called them the day after karaoke and started bad-mouthing Seidman telling them he wasn’t good for them. Ryan Sweet said they hadn’t expressed interest in Rubio originally. “He invited us out later and we passed on the opportunity. Earlier that evening I had discussed with Steve everybody approaching us. We did want to keep loyalty with Steve and keep him on the same page with what was happening.
Rubio, however, began leaking info to the porno trades that the Sweets had signed with him. The Sweets admitted Seidman had lined up some gigs for them which they blew off. “We fucked up in a big way,” said Ryan Sweet. “We were told to listen to everybody, don’t say anything and don’t believe it.” But the Sweets did accept a dinner invitation from Rubio who filled their ears with a bunch of sweet nothings. “He told us we didn’t need an agent like that,” said Summer Sweet. “We needed an agent like him who wouldn’t take our money because he has money.”
Wankus said if that was the case, Rubio needed to buy another shirt than the one he wore to karaoke. “Go buy a new shirt. That was bad.” Ryan Sweet said they got hammered by believing Rubio. “We ended up going back to his ‘estate’ as he likes to refer to it as.” Wankus asked if that was at the trailer park.
“He sat down and showed us some websites and some things he’s been working on as far as his web Internet, he showed us the bills showing how much money you can make from a website; he showed us where his movies are listed in the Top Ten,” Ryan Sweet continued. “Obviously the website he showed us, showed his movies to be Number One.” Summer Sweet said that of the 18 movies Rubio has out there he’s claiming every single one of them has been Number One.
Wankus was curious if Rubio’s web address had geocities in it. “Just checking.” Ryan Sweet said the last thing they’d figure was that someone would concoct a complete website as a lure. As another lure, Ryan Sweet also admitted that Rubio had found them work before they had even agreed to anything. “He called us the next day before we had even given him any decision and said, if you’d like, you could be shooting with this person tonight; and tomorrow you could be shooting with this guy. Before you knew it he lined up the week.”
Wankus advised the Sweets that if they have shoots lined up, that’s a beautiful thing- because they’re new and a fresh faces; but time will come when they’ll be begging for work. “That’s just the way it is. Everyone starts like a powerhouse then it slows down like a motherfucker.”
Summer Sweet said there was more to the story, however. “We were here two days, next day at the hotel we meet someone. He offered us drugs. We don’t do drugs [other than weed] but this guy offered them. After pressure of two hours we finally do it.”
“So you met Scott Fayner,” said Wankus.
Asked what drugs they did, Summer Sweet said crystal meth. “Holy shit, what was your reaction?” Wankus asked. “Holy shit,” was Ryan Sweet’s reply. Summer Sweet said this was concurrent with their meetings with Rubio. “That certainly explains why you guys fuckin went into la-la land,” Wankus said. From a clinical standpoint, Wankus was curious as to their reactions. Summer Sweet said it’s like pot but a little bit better. Ryan Sweet said it was no big deal and it wasn’t something that made them want to continue with it. “We never paid for it or anything like that.” But the overall concession was that it fucked up their judgment for a day or two. Summer Sweet said it gave them a three-day jag where they were wide awake the whole time.
“Dude, we tried to put the breaks on,” said Ryan Sweet indicating that they had been warned in advance about what might happen in L.A. Wankus was curious about someone passing out free drugs unless he wanted to fuck Summer Sweet. Ryan Sweet claimed not and that there were no videos shot. At least to his knowledge. Wankus asked where they met this fuck. Ryan Sweet said at the hotel. “He was just walking buy and called the room,” said Summer Sweet. “Man, you guys are from Ohio,” Wankus replied. “You have homeless guys stopping by for buffets, too? What the fuck.” Wankus told the Sweets to stop pretending they’re from the sticks.
“You’re in a nasty town and you picked the nastiest business in the town. You got to watch your ass. You had a guy who was managing girls and talent like yourselves so he could pay his bills. That’s it. He ain’t doing drugs. He’s not a drinker. He doesn’t party. When he goes to karaoke, he annoyingly just sings.” But Wankus was also first to admit that he didn’t know if Steve Seidman was ultimately the right guy for the Sweets, but he was the right guy for the moment. When pressed, the Sweets, however, held to the story that it was just some guy off the streets who fed them drugs and not someone from the business.
The Sweets had also been advised to stay away from the karaoke scene. However, Rubio apparently called them from there. “He tells us to stay away.” Wankus noted that it was a good thing Steve Banan, Seidman’s partner in S&S was out of town. “The reason I brought my video camera was I was hoping he was coming in because he would do something crazy and I’ve have great news footage.” Ryan Sweet said he told Rubio to have Seidman give them a buzz ASAP. “Steve called us and explained his side; we explained a little bit where we were standing on all of this. He at least could feel that we needed to get together with him and clear the air. A lot of the shit that was happening was our doing”
Wankus thought it particularly amusing that Rubio was releasing info about the Sweets’ five picture deal including a directing gig. “You guys haven’t even seen a porn yet you’re directing one.” Ryan Sweet admitted the contract was bogus and a fabrication of Rubio’s. “The contract was devised by him [Rubio] to make her more desirable to the other companies.”
The Sweets said they won’t have anything to do with Rubio, calling him a “scam artist.” The Sweets also said it was their desire to get back with Seidman.
Ryan Sweet addressed the industry-at-large: “We’re sincerely sorry for thinking we knew anything about this business and anything about what anyone can say to us. We’d also like to apologize to Steve publicly that we fucked up and put him out in a bad position. We’re very, very sorry.” Wankus lauded the Sweets for having the courage to come on the show and make their statements.
Though she had blown off Ed Powers, Summer Sweet said she did do some shoots including one with Peter North. Wankus wanted to know if North filled up the entire swimming pool. “That guy comes like a motherfucker.”
Summer Sweet also wanted to clear up a story that was making the rounds on the Internet, that they had left their infant son at a babysitters continuously while they were out playing. “It was one night. I need to make that clear that we’re not bad parents. We have a none month-old baby.” Ryan Sweet said the story was also translating that they were gloating and strutting about their scene with North and basically sticking it in Seidman’s face. “That somehow got blown out of proportion.” Wankus said it might have been him who did that. “But it was fun. though.”
If you thought the Sweet script called for a Jerry McGuire ending, you’re mistaken. Seidman then came on the show as if the reputation of the William Morris Agency had been impugned. Asked if he’d take the Sweet’s back, Seidman, like a fat lady in a snit who didn’t get the 10 pound box of chocolates for Valentine’s Day, left everyone hanging with non-committal. Proclaiming that he was on a diet, Seidman did accept the apology. “Will I continue managing is basically the question. I’m not going to answer that right now.”
Asked why a hesitation, Seidman said he needs certain reassurances. “I’m thinking about it but we were all put in very awkward situations.” Seidman, however, left room that there might be a possibility down the road.