WWW- James Gandolfini doesn’t like porn.
‘The Sopranos’ star was put off X-rated material when he made ‘8MM’ -which is about a private detective (Nicolas Cage) investigating a snuff film.
Gandolfini told Esquire magazine: “I don’t like porn. I thought I did until I made ‘8MM’ and met some real-life porn directors to get a feel for the character. I realised the process of making pornography did not sit easy with me.”
Snuff films are pornographic movies which seemingly contain real murder scenes.
Although Gandolfini has no interest in porn, he does appreciate the female form.
The actor thinks British starlet Kate Winslet is one of the sexiest ladies he has ever seen.
He said: “I was working with Kate on ‘Romance and Cigarettes’ and there was this one scene where she was up at a window in her red dress, and she’s doing this thing with her hand. It was one of the sexiest things I have ever seen and I just sat there, mesmerised. Kate would try something different in every take. I have tried to do different things with my characters since then.”