Porn Valley- In what’s starting to sound like an Agatha Christie novel, the KSEX curse has claimed two more victims in the person of Aria and Lee Stone. The newest additions to the KSEX lineup were talking about it this evening on their new show Flex for Sex. Aria said she was just made aware of the fact by Wankus today. “Every single host here at KSEX that has a show, has had a car accident since taking on a show,” Aria said. “They just told me that after I told them I rear ended some 75 year-old Russian guy today.” Aria then went into accent imitating the guy stressing over how the damages were going to be paid.
Stone said it wasn’t so much a matter of Aria rear ending the guy as the fact that she owns a monster truck. “You sort of drove over the tail gate.” According to Aria’s truck which must have a voice of its own, it felt like she had hit a mosquito. “I’m looking down on this guy and the trunk’s popped permanently open.” Aria said the guy was shaking. “Are you okay? I don’t know. I’m shaking. What does that mean? Does that mean you’re going to the emergency room so you can cost me thousands more dollars? Yes.”
Aria predicted that the guy would go the route with the neck brace. “Yes, I’m a dumb ass. I let my insurance lapse. But I’m not going to get into that.” Aria admitted to having a bad week.
“I locked my keys in my car twice. I locked my keys in my house once and all within the last five days, plus rear-ending this guy.”
Stone said he, likewise, had an accident. “It was just mere stupidity.” Stone said he had worked for Jill Kelly Productions and that they have a new studio/offices in N. Hollywood. “I went to leave that day after doing my scene,” Stone said. “I was unaware that there was a short metal pole that stuck up three feet next to my truck. I sort of turned into it.” Stone said the turn cost him $485. “I worked for free that day.”
Stone noted that he and Aria just shot their 50th sex scene together, this for Robbie Bentley and Matrix. Stone said the scene specialized in some aerial dynamics with Stone lifting up Aria.
Stone: “After slapping her, spitting in her face and choking her out a few times and slapping her back to after she started to pass out…
Aria completed his sentence by saying Stone stuck his finger in her ass without any lube. “But it was our anniversary and she can’t say I never gave her anything,” Stone quipped. Aria recalled Stone doing that once before on a Mitch Spinelli shoot. “It was the same thing- an aggressive sex scene.” Aria said you’ve really got to be turned on to do something like that without lube.
Stone noted how most porn companies are branching off and doing really hardcore material. “I as a performer don’t mind doing that stuff if the girl’s into it,” said Stone. “But a lot of guys in the industry are in it basically to hurt women. I’m not here for that. I enjoy it too much.”