Porn Valley- I didn’t need the Grand Vizier to tell me that the adult business is slow. I’ve been hearing it all over the place. And this is the latest, apparently: That Vivid has laid off between 20 to 25 people. And another three got pink slips at Legend. Legend, if you recall, awhile back dismissed a dozen people. And two weeks ago Hustler closed down its LFP Studios dues to the high overhead.
There was also talk on one set recently that Xbiz was going to sack some people.
[Alec Helmy writes me later to say: Hi Gene – I briefly wanted to correct this blind item on your site about some “talk on one set” about layoffs at XBIZ. Nothing could be further from the truth. We aren’t laying off anyone. In fact, we’re looking to expand our editorial staff, so if you know any good candidates, please pass their name along.
Alec Helmy, President, XBIZ]
New Beginnings from what’s being discussed also whacked eight people. A story’s also been going around that Wicked’s having hard times. One of the contract girls told someone that it took nine months for her to get paid for a movie and that Wicked’s DVD sales have slumped tremendously.
In an interview he gave Wired News recently, company owner Steve Orenstein said despite the recssion in the porn industry he still intended to make 48 films this year.