San Antonio – from – Another San Antonio strip club is fighting with the city, and it deals with full nudity.
Club owners of XTC Caberet say their civil rights have been violated and now they’ve filed suit. The city says no fully nude clubs are allowed in San Antonio, but club owners say they’re protected by current state laws, as well as the U.S. Constitution.
The nightclub is located just outside the San Antonio International Airport and has been open for years. City prosecutors say the club is in violation of a human display ordinance which bans all fully nude establishments within city limits.
The owners of XTC Caberet recently filed suit against the city. They claim the human display ordinance goes against the state penal code, which allows certain degrees of fully nude clubs, as well as their first amendment rights of freedom of expression.
The City Attorney’s office responded by saying the regulation was already upheld as valid by a federal court, and that clubs can continue to operate as long as they do not have individuals appearing all nude.