Adam Wilcox posts on – Veteran adult starlet Alana Evans is a woman of many talents: Erotic performer. Gamer girl. Singer. In the past week, however, Evans has found herself in a new role: poster model for mothers in porn.
Evans has enjoyed a considerable amount of mainstream coverage following her appearance on HLN’s Dr. Drew program last Tuesday, when the television doctor presented an episode focusing on the debate of whether or not performing in adult films is an appropriate career for parents raising children.
Alana received industry-wide praise for her candor, acumen and professionalism in not only addressing the topics at hand, but also responding to a surprise live commentary from anti-porn activist Shelley Lubben.
When not on set, Evans spends much of her time providing content for, a gaming site launched last year featuring Alana and several other adult stars which allows the women to merge their dual passions for porn and video games.
Evans is currently a contestant in the Maxim Gamer Girl Contest, a reader-voted competition to determine a gaming representative for the popular men’s magazine. You can vote daily for Alana at this link.
Evans also sings lead vocals for “Pop That Tooshie,” a catchy single released by renowned techno band Lords of Acid this year for their brand new album Deep Chills (the video for “Pop That Tooshie” is available here).
Listen to Alana every Monday night from 7-9 p.m. PST on Sirius XM 103, where she hosts her Spice Radio program All Wives Cheat.
Alana kindly spoke at length with XXX Wasteland on the evening of May 4 to discuss the mainstream recognition she has received since appearing on Dr. Drew, her enthusiasm for gaming and, singing on Lords of Acid’s latest album, her future musical aspirations and much more.
You can visit Alana online at and follow her on Twitter under the handle @AlanaEvansXXX. Check out Alana’s FreeOnes page here.
For booking inquiries, please contact Adult Talent Managers.
Q: The first thing I’d like to ask about is your appearance on HLN’s Dr. Drew show a few nights ago. Can you tell us how it came about and what the experience was like overall?
Definitely! I have a lot of other friends in the industry who are moms. Nicki Hunter is a good friend of mine. The show had come into contact with her and Nicki knows how strongly I feel about my kids, my family and how honest and forthright I am. So, Nicki passed them my way and this was Monday night, so it all happened very, very quickly.
Q: And it was Tuesday that you were on the show, right?
Yes, I was on the show Tuesday evening at 6:00 p.m. And I knew what to expect in the sense that I knew what we were talking about – being a mom in the business – and a lot of it was because of the recent controversy with Stacie Halas, the now fired teacher from the Oxnard School District and, of course, the issues with Sean Loftis, the gay teacher in Florida.
Being a parent, I’ve spent a lot of time in my kids’ schools. Originally, I wasn’t allowed to participate in my stepkids’ school. It was a private school that my husband’s family was paying for and when they found out I worked in the adult industry – basically because the children’s mom had told people within the school – they just became very nasty to me. In my own way of being a parent, they told me that I was a disruption to the middle school boys who are going through puberty and that I was not allowed to come back to the school until things kind of quieted down.
Now, this is upon me doing nothing – not behaving inappropriately, I didn’t dress inappropriately. I went to one function and was basically told on. So, I have a deep respect for parents in our industry, as well as other people in our business who work around children in different aspects. If we haven’t done anything wrong, I don’t think we should be treated like sex offenders and that’s basically what they are doing.
So, that’s basically the whole reason the people at Dr. Drew and HLN initially wanted to do this show. Knowing all of those things, I was very comfortable.
I will tell you that I did not know until I was there at the studio that Shelley Lubben was going to be on the show. Unlike other people, I think, in our industry, that actually made me happy. It made me giddy. I was like, “Are you kidding? I get to take her on? Yes!” (Laughs) Because I don’t like the woman – and everything I’m saying you can one-hundred percent print.
I have a huge problem with the way that she approaches the industry with what her message is. Her message is fine in the sense that if you want to help people that maybe need help within our business because it’s not the place for them, there’s nothing wrong with it. Doing it in the name of because of what happened to her is not right, I think, because not all of us are drug addicts. The majority of women I know in our business that are parents would never subject their children to the horrendous things that I’ve now learned Ms. Lubben subjected her kids to.
I didn’t know any of these things – the outside details – before the show. So I was glad because it prevented me from behaving the way she did (Laughs), which was totally attack me on, of course, her standpoint of disease and things like that – not really me just being a good mom, which has no ground.
Q: I agree with your views on Shelley Lubben. Many people question whether or not the things she said occurred to her (during her time in the industry) actually happened.
Q: And I think it’s good also for everyone to see people like that publicly called out.
Yeah – finally. Because in this little HIV bubble we’ve got going on over here with the fight with AIDS Healthcare Foundation, she’s really been able to stand on her soapbox and point the finger and say some very nasty things that are really untrue. And if you look at her experience in the business – I believe she did about six movies, she worked in the industry for a year at most – it’s not really fair for her to attack the industry the way she does when she herself doesn’t have real experience.
Most girls in our business, we’ve been here a few years – and like myself, I’ve been here 14 years – and I don’t look like her, I don’t act like her, I don’t have the same regret, distaste. Also, I don’t do drugs. And I think a lot of Ms. Lubben’s problems aren’t based on the fact that she did porn, but were based on the fact that unfortunately, she was an addict. And that will happen (to people) no matter what your job is. And it’s too bad.
Q: Yes, absolutely. Has the feedback you have received from your appearance on the show been positive for the most part?
For the most part, it’s been amazing. I haven’t received any negative backlash on Twitter. I have received a lot of new followers, a lot of women saying really incredible things, really respecting my choices and my decisions, I think the reason being our economy is hurting so badly and there are so many families and so many single women that are struggling to make ends meet no matter what their job is, and the fact that it is so difficult to find work, that if they had access to the kind of work that I had access to, one-hundred percent they would do it because it would mean that they could put shoes on their kids’ feet, they could feed them and they could pay their rent.
It’s been really cool because women who are okay with what I’m doing – who are okay with my choices, as I said – they are actually seeking me out and I’m having women ask me how they can get into the industry. And I thought that was very cool. I was like, “Wow!” (Laughs)
And I think, too, you can tell that I have my act together, you can tell that I speak very clearly, I like to think of myself as being intelligent, but I won’t brag about it. And I think that it removed a lot of the stereotypes that people have attached to women in porn.
Now, even with the latest Savanna Samson 20/20 story; I think it’s so amazing that Savanna – again, contract girl, which I was not. I made my business by myself: my own hard work, my own sweat, help from agents and things like that, but no company really behind me. So with Savanna, she’s not like the rest of us really are, trying to do porn multiple days a month to just pay those bills.
The only thing that disappointed me about Savanna was the fact that she said she had to do drugs in order to shoot, and that right there just totally solidified that stereotype again. So, I was glad to be able to show that not all of us have to do that. So … I’m on my own soapbox right now – sorry! (Laughs)
Q:(Laughs) No, that’s absolutely fine.
The only place where there has been negativity, of course, is the video feeds on YouTube. But YouTube is just like that in general, so I just choose not to read it and that’s okay.
Q: When I first learned of your appearance on the Dr. Drew program, I remembered a blog you wrote about a year ago addressing the same type of subject matter: being involved in the porn industry while also being a parent. It was a really great article about being very involved with your kids’ school fundraisers and things like that.
Thank you.
Q: Yeah. And you also had a really good line about how the so-called perfect people are often the ones you have to watch out for.
Absolutely. Because we put our whole lives out there for the public to view. I share my innermost soul by having sex for a living, which gives me a different kind of release. And I don’t mean a sexual release or a gratuitous release. I mean at that brief moment, everyone is looking at me, everyone is watching me. So in my day-to-day life, I don’t need to dress a certain way or behave a certain way for attention the way some people may need to because they are not getting that attention in other places. I feel fulfilled. So, with that same statement for others that have sexual issues, if they aren’t meeting those needs and issues that they have, I think they look for it in other places and then we have teachers doing things to our kids that they absolutely shouldn’t be doing.
The article that you are talking about I wrote in response to Sasha Gray reading at the schools because I was absolutely infuriated that here was this incredible young woman in our business who is really a role model – she is brilliant, she does not do drugs, she is not an escort. She is a businesswoman. And again, she did it by herself – she’s not a contract girl with a company behind her and their publicist doing it for her. Sasha is a self-made woman. So, all of these things without the word “porn” attached … you would want to give this woman a Woman of the Year award just on those merits. So, because of the fact that she worked in our business, it gave her this label when all she’s doing is going and picking up a book in a room – where I guarantee you she was supervised with teachers and other people watching – and reading a story. Yet, she is going to be attacked for it? And that’s where it bothered me, and that’s when I said, “I need to come forward right now and speak my own story,” because not only do I read to kids, I sell them pizza, I made the yearbook, I ran the committee when other mothers didn’t have the time or effort – because this is more than a full-time job – and I’m doing it. So, it really just bothered me that she didn’t get the respect that she deserved.
Q: Yeah, that was a story which really irked me, too.
Q: I didn’t think there was any reason for her to be singled out, especially in that manner.
Absolutely. She did nothing wrong and they were treating her as if she walked in with the bubonic plague and got all of our kids sick. (Laughs)
Q: Are there one or two misconceptions about the adult industry that particularly bother you?
The main is that we’re all drug-addicted prostitutes – that’s the issue for me. The fact that people don’t understand that we’re just people. I have had times in my life – being that this is my career – where people can’t really separate and understand that I’m not just that porn star that you see on the screen, which means I’m not going to places and saying, “Okay, I’m here – it’s time to have sex with me!” It’s doesn’t work like that.
We’re still just people. That’s just a job, at least for me. I know it isn’t one-hundred percent like that for everyone and I am not the one-hundred percent prime example. But I’m at least sixty percent of the business. I think we are at a place now where there are far more women in our business who are here because they want to be and not because they were forced into it, tricked into it, being brought in by pimps, if you will, because that definitely happens.
I think the industry is full of women who really want to be here, who are having fun, who are learning so many things about the business world itself when it comes to marketing and promotion. It’s not just having sex – the job doesn’t just end there. So, these women who are really taking it on and doing something with themselves are a really good example of what our business is now – it is a true business.
Q: I completely agree with that and please feel free to correct me if I’m wrong here, but I have a theory that many people refuse to accept the fact that the adult industry is capable of evolving like anything else.
Q: As you said, there may be some women who fall into the business under the wrong pretences and it might have been that way for the most part several decades ago, I don’t know. But nowadays, many of them are entrepreneurs and businesswomen marketing their brand in an industry that has evolved like everything else. It just seems to me that much of society is unwilling to even consider that possibility.
You’re right, you’re definitely right. It’s being closed minded. It’s not understanding that just like the world, just like technology, of course the business has changed and evolved simply because free porn has caused the business as we know it to change dramatically. Even when VHS was starting to dwindle, DVDs started to dwindle and stores were being affected, people were still making money on the Internet. And that’s definitely still happening, but free porn is affecting that. So, it means as performers we don’t film as much.
Well, bam – the girls find a way to make that work by streaming. Every porn star I know now streams from their house if they’re not shooting a scene. That is a perfect way of how the business has evolved: the girls are taking control of their own money and they are not leaving it up to the companies to say, “Oh, we’ve got a demand for you. Let’s shoot you.” These girls are making the demands for themselves by getting to the fans directly. So, it has to continue to evolve.
People who don’t see it evolve don’t understand all of the changes and they are probably still buying DVDs. (Laughs) They are the ones who say, “What’s camming?” (Laughs)
Q: (Laughs) Yeah. I have noticed also that a lot of girls run their own websites because they prefer to do that – I’ve heard stories about webmasters cheating them.
Or a current issue I just had where I went to someone that I’ve known for quite some time who has girls on his site and he’s running his own little mini-network. But I know what a website should look like and when you can’t do anything except download my videos, when the site is spread out and it just doesn’t look right … if you’re not happy with what you have, you take control.
So I took control – I pulled my site back myself, we signed up with Elevated X, which has to be probably one of the most incredible concept management systems I’ve ever seen. My brand new site – I love them – it looks like a Brazzers site. I’m so excited! (Laughs) With that being said, I now have other girls coming to me because they don’t like how their things are looking and they want to change it. And that’s what you have to do – you can’t just leave it with some dude who isn’t you, who doesn’t care about your career the way that you do, who is just making money off of you. If you want to do it, you have to do it yourself.
Q: Yeah, absolutely.
Or – because a lot of girls aren’t capable, they don’t understand – then you go to what you know and you go to people … if you like what it looks like, then that’s okay. But there are always the webmasters who will take advantage. (Laughs) But there are good ones. I’m really impressed with Nina Mercedez and what she has going on with her XXX Sex Cash. She is another example of an absolutely incredible woman who is helping other women do for themselves in this business.
Q: To backtrack a bit, can you tell us how you initially entered the adult industry?
Sure. I was married, my ex-husband was a police officer and I had my son when I was almost eighteen. We were swingers – we had an open lifestyle – and we had talked about it. I wanted to be a feature dancer, that was the big thing – I wanted to be that stripper who went from club to club. Once he found an agent for me – which was Reb (Sawitz) at Pretty Girl International – we found it in the Exotic Dancer Guide. (Laughs) This was in March of 1998. I did my first scene March 24 of ‘98 with Mr. Marcus for Real Sex Magazine.
After that first movie, that was it – I was hooked. I never really stopped to go dancing. I did movie after movie after movie. I loved being the little boobie natural girl; I swore that I would never get my boobs done and I’ll never forget the day: I was 27 years old. Roy Karch is a good friend of mine. Roy called me and he said, “I’ve got this new series I’m doing, it’s 18 and Hot. Do you want to be in it?” And I said, “Roy, I love you … but, I’m 27.” (Laughs) I can’t keep doing these young girl movies! And this was before the whole invention of the MILF, which was really just a way to label the hot older girls in our business because you had the younger teeny-boppers like me and then you had the Vivid girls and the Wicked girls, which were just women – they didn’t have a “label.”
And then, that was it: I got the boobs and now I’m a big-titty MILF. Whoo hoo! (Laughs)
Q: You also host a Playboy Radio show on Spice, is that right?
Yes. It’s now changed because we have been bought by Brazzers. Since Playboy is now owned by Brazzers, which is awesome, they have control. So, all of our shows have been changed to different Brazzers websites, which is very cool.
My show is very fitting – it’s called All Wives Cheat. I talk about cheating and both sides of it, the good and the bad. Chris Evans, my husband, will join me the last half-hour of the show and add his input of being the occasionally cheated-on husband (Laughs) and talk about how we make our open relationship work and things like that.
But it’s pretty awesome; it’s every Monday night. It’s on Sirius XM 103 satellite radio and, of course, you can always listen on
I also do a huge gaming site,
Q: Yes, I wanted to ask about that. Can you tell us a little bit about it?
I will say that it drives my husband nuts that I have found a way to take video games and make it a job. (Laughs)
I’ve been playing my whole life. It was last year and I was talking to Chris. I said, “I really want to make a video game site. I want to start doing things in the video game industry, but I want us to play video games and stream it for our fans because nobody does that!” (Laughs) And after working on it and putting things together, after several months we launched September 20 and it has been amazing. It started out as a site where you could view everything, watch the feed and see the pictures. Now, we have turned it into a free registered site, so you sign up for a username and you can comment in the forums and things like that.
But it’s been awesome. It has video game reviews, stories about upcoming games, games that we play, videos … it’s awesome. I’m really obsessed. Missy Martinez and Daisy Dare are my gamer girls who play along with me. It is so much fun.
And we’re going to E3! (Laughs) This year we’re going to E3 together, so I’m really excited.
Q: Wow, very nice.
Yeah. It’s neat to see a year’s worth of my planning and hard work come back to where it started, so I’m really excited.
Q: You are also involved in the Maxim Gamer Girl Contest right now, is that right?
Yes! Oh, my gosh! The voting ends May 25. I am currently holding seventh place right now out of, I would say, more than a thousand girls. It’s a daily vote situation. I’m seventh, Missy is hanging on to ninth and my other gamer girl, Daisy, is in tenth. I’m getting close to sixth place. (Laughs)
The way the contest works is Maxim is going to pull their favorites out of the voting, so it’s about getting noticed on the site. My comments page has two thousand comments on it. There is so much interaction with us. I’m really excited. It’s been fun.
Q: What does the winner of the contest receive?
Oh, my goodness. You can become Maxim’s first-ever Gamer Girl. You can also get a contract with Virgin Mobile Gaming. You will be taken to different events to host gaming competitions and things like that. And then you represent Maxim as their gamer girl in the magazines and other events. So, it’s a pretty big deal.
Q: Yeah, for sure.
Yeah! (Laughs) There are several other girls in the adult industry that are on the Maxim gaming site and are working for their votes, and of all the porn girls, I am the highest-rated, so that makes me feel really good. It’s really exciting.
Q: Absolutely. Very cool.
It’s cool! (Laughs)
Q: You are involved in a music project as well with the band Lords of Acid, is that right?
Yeah. (Laughs) My life is crazy right now. I feel so incredibly blessed. I’ve been in this business for a really long time, so for me to be watching my career peak at 14 years … it’s just crazy.
Lords of Acid are an amazing techno-electronic band from the nineties with all the dirty lyrics with Praga Khan as their “master.” (Laughs) We became friends, got to know each other over the Internet and Praga was putting together his first album in, my goodness, eleven years.
They asked without really, really knowing me and my abilities if I would sing a song on the album and since then, not only did I perform on the album, but we released a couple of music videos, the latest being the Exageist remix. When the album was released on Amazon, it sat on third place on the electronic charts for new releases. And that’s just my single, just “Pop That Tooshie.” So, I was like, “Is this really happening?” (Laughs)
We’re talking about doing other things. I’ve got offers to perform and I’m also currently working on my own album. We’ve already got three songs recorded in the can and nine more to go. So, it’s amazing. I’ve been singing my whole life, so again, for something like this to happen to me at the age that I am is insane and I am so thankful.
They have been incredible to me. Metropolis Records and Sony do all of our European distribution, so it’s just been insane.
Q: Very cool.
Yeah – I love them. (Laughs)
Q: As you said, you have been in the industry for quite a long time. Are there any goals left that you still wish to accomplish?
I have an absolutely ridiculous movie I have been sitting on! I wrote the script. In the world that I’m living in right now where there are so many things going on, my current focus is getting this particular movie made and we’re in talks right now. It’s probably going to be one of the most attention-getting movies of the year as soon as we can finish ironing out the deal. So, I am really, really excited.
Q: Very cool.
Yeah. It’s all secret-secret stuff. It’s a parody, but it’s a parody unlike any of these others, so I’m really, really happy.
And I’m moving on to a new agent. I will be signing with Shy Love as of Monday (May 7). So I’m very excited about moving over to them.
Q: Yes, I’ve heard a lot of good things about Shy and ATMLA.
Yes, absolutely. I feel myself surrounded by this amazing girl power network right now. I just feel a lot of really positive women around me. And not that there aren’t positive men who are awesome, but when you are a woman in this business – which is driven so strongly by men – to have such incredible women around you lending such amazing support is just great. I’m so happy. I haven’t been this happy in a long time, so I’m waiting for something … (Laughs)
Q:(Laughs) Yeah, I guess that’s just human nature, huh?
I’m waiting to get hit by a bus or something! (Laughs)
Q: I’d like to ask some questions about yourself as a person if that’s okay.
Sure. Of course!
Q: Can you tell us where you were raised and how you would describe yourself growing up as a child and teenager?
My dad was in the army, so I was born on the army base Fort Campbell in Kentucky. At a young age, my mom had moved herself and the baby in her tummy (Laughs) back to California and I’ve actually lived here my entire life in different parts. I grew up in NorCal. I’m a total NorCal girl – I say “Hella” and “hecka.” (Laughs) When I say NorCal, mostly San Jose, a little bit of Sacramento and I’ve lived in Los Angeles almost the entire time I’ve been in the business. I’ve been in L.A. for thirteen years, definitely more my home than Northern California.
As a teenager, I was a tomboy. I rode a boy’s bike, I had a mongoose (Laughs), I played with G.I. Joes, I played with Star Wars. I had my Barbies, but I had an equal amount of boy stuff because I wasn’t a girly-girl. I know I’m obsessed with pink now, but it’s probably because I hated it when I was a kid. (Laughs) If someone would have told me when I was a kid that I would drive a pink car, I probably would have given them the finger. (Laughs)
I speak freely about a lot of my family. My mom passed when I was 16, but by the time I was 12 or 13 years old I lived with my aunt, who is very, very close to me and a lot like my mom, so my family did really well kind of surrounding me.
My family knows what I do. Nobody disowned me. My family knows that I’m a good mom, I’m a good person and I stay out of trouble, so they don’t really have anything to say about it.
But when I was a kid in school, I was in all the “smart kid” classes. (Laughs) Thinking back to it, I’m like, “I was in the nerd classes – how did that happen?” (Laughs)
I’ve noticed that a lot of girls in the industry were in advanced or gifted classes in school.
Isn’t that funny? Because they all try to say that every girl in porn is here because we were molested, our parents were gone and because we have no education. While I can say that the first few were probably a contributing factor in my life – and I’m honest about those things; I don’t share details, but I will say that I had issues, so it happens. I’m not going to deny that. But I was a very smart kid. So that’s why I feel like I’ve managed to stay in the business as long as I have and do so many different things with it. People say that I’m basically always reinventing myself.
And I like porn. (Laughs) I don’t want to go anywhere. So if I’m going to stay here, I have to keep finding new ways to make it work.
Q: It’s nice to hear as well that your family is aware of your career and supportive.
Right. The news this week and all of the media attention is probably the most I’ve ever experienced in my life. It was very overwhelming when I realized that I was on and I saw it. Dr. Drew and HLN are one thing – that was awesome. But to see (CNN) completely remove Shelley Lubben and all the callers and put all of my words and my thoughts on the site … oh, I got sick. (Laughs)
I’m okay with that, though – if they are looking at me because I am a proud mother in the business, then I’m high-fiving myself. If that’s what I’m known for, then Hell, yeah. (Laughs) I am okay with that.
Q: Yeah, definitely.
It’s been awesome.
Q: What are some of your interests and hobbies away from work?
Obviously, video games are the main thing I do. I like exercise, even though it doesn’t always look like it because I like to eat. (Laughs) Cooking is a huge thing for me. I am an amazing cook, so I spend a lot of time doing that stuff.
Its funny, actually, now that I’m talking about it: most of the things that I really enjoy are things that I kind of found myself doing at home because I’m usually here with the family. But I like skateboarding and I like almost drowning while I attempt to surf. (Laughs) Just being active. And I’m always on my computer. You have to pull me away. I’m a night owl, so I like to get most of my work done at night. I’ll stay up until four in the morning naturally, maybe on just some Coca-Cola. (Laughs) But I’m just a home person.
Q: Is there one thing about yourself that you feel would surprise most people?
Hmm … that’s a really, really good question. I feel like so much of my life has been put on blast, let’s say, more now these last few months than really my whole career, but just the different aspects of it: the singing, the video games, being a mom.
So, anything that people wouldn’t know about me … I sleep with a teddy bear. (Laughs) Wow, that’s very personal. It’s a brown Build-A-Bear teddy bear and it’s got a pink jumpsuit. (Laughs)
Q:(Laughs) There’s pink again, eh?
It’s my Alana Bear. (Laughs) I have an Alana Bear, Chris has a Chris Bear. So yeah, that’s probably the one thing that nobody knows: I sleep with a teddy bear. That’s pretty hilarious. But that’s like the main detail. Now all my secrets are out! (Laughs)
Q:(Laughs) There you go.
That’s awesome.
Q: Are there any current or upcoming projects in the works that you would like to mention?
Well, we’re always doing another PwnedByGirls event. The next event is May 16. So, that’s that one.
I don’t have specifics yet, but I’m supposed to be performing “Pop That Tooshie” Memorial Day weekend. So, that will be my first live performance, which I am totally thrilled about. And then, of course, my upcoming Alana Evans EP. So, it’s been awesome.
And then I have all of these great companies wanting to hire me now – I’m shooting with Brazzers and I’m speaking with Wicked, so I’m really, really happy.
I think the biggest thing in my future is waiting to see what my future with Lords of Acid holds for me and what my future with Shy Love will hold for me because that could be just about anything. So, I’m very excited. It’s going to be a very interesting summer. (Laughs)
Q: Absolutely. To finish up, is there anything you wish to say to readers?
I do have one thing to say: of all the things I have been doing and all of the projects I have been working on … you know how this business is: when you start getting a lot of shit going, it’s real easy for people to come out of the woodwork and everybody wants to help you.
Before I got crazy, Allison Vivas from Pink Visual really came out of nowhere for me and really helped me make my gaming site, which I know a lot of the attention and things that I’ve gotten were because of the initial time that that started. They did that for me when they didn’t have to, they did that for me and make no money off of it and she has just been so supportive, so incredible to me in helping us make that happen that I really don’t think my year would have been as great as it’s been without the help from Pink Visual.
And I don’t really give that kind of credit because I’m very proud of the fact that I am a star in my own right. They are the first people that really helped me make things happen without asking for things in return. They are awesome. (Laughs)
Q: They really are. I interviewed Allison a while back and Pink Visual has arranged a few interviews for me in the past. They are all very professional and a good group of people.
They’re classy – and you don’t find that a lot in our business. (Laughs)
Q: And Allison is a great representative for the industry. She speaks at a lot of panels and is very involved in many issues pertaining to the adult business. They are a really great crew over there.
Absolutely. So, I just feel lucky that they have done so much for me this year. I’m excited about the future. (Laughs)
Q: Very cool. That’s always great to hear.
Thank you. I’m really glad that we did this.
Q: Me, too. I’d like to thank you for taking some time to speak with me today. It was great talking to you and I wish you continued success. All the best to you.
I appreciate that and you the same. Take care.