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XXX Wasteland Interviews Rebecca Bardoux; Begins a Show on Porn Star Radio

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Adam Wilcox posts on – Currently in her 20th year as an adult industry professional, performer Rebecca Bardoux has seen her share of XXX transition, transformation and revolution. A true veteran of erotic entertainment, Bardoux was inducted into the Adult Video News Hall of Fame in 2007 and today continues to shoot sporadically, her most recent role being for Evil Angel’s Facial Overload #02: MILF Edition.

Bardoux has recently acted as a performer advocate of sorts by speaking out via her official blog and regular column on adult news website titled “From Where I Stand” against the proposed Measure B initiative intended to mandate the use of condoms on porn sets in Los Angeles County.

Additionally, Rebecca debuted a new radio program on September 21 called Porn Star Radio, which can be heard every Friday evening from 7-9 p.m. EST.

Rebecca kindly spoke with XXX Wasteland to speak about her first-hand account of the recent AIDS Healthcare Foundation-hosted press conference campaigning Measure B, reflections on her time in adult, upcoming projects and more.

You can follow Rebecca on Twitter @RebeccaBardoux, friend her on Facebook at this link and check out her FreeOnes page here.

For booking inquiries pertaining to Rebecca Bardoux, please contact Ideal Image Management.

(All photos courtesy of Rebecca Bardoux’s Twitter account)

Q; The first thing I’d like to ask you about is the press conference hosted by the AIDS Healthcare Foundation this week regarding the Measure B condom initiative, which you attended. I read your two blog entries on the assembly, one detailing your meeting with AHF President Michael Weinstein and the other discussing a conversation you had with former performer Hayden Winters. Can you tell us about the conference based on your first-hand account?

The conference, it was a nice place, but there weren’t really that many people there. There wasn’t any press hardly at all; I think if there were twenty people there, that would have been a lot. So, it didn’t seem like too many people were really interested in that. (Laughs)

As for my account, I had heard about Michael Weinstein, but I had never really seen him or met him. That was the first time that I actually saw him and he just seemed like a regular guy.

The thing that confused me about him when he was talking was that he was always bringing up other issues besides the issue at hand. He had talked at one point about how once you get out of the adult industry, it’s going to be hard to find a regular job, which I don’t understand how that has anything to do with protecting the talent.

In my opinion – and what I wrote in the column about him – is that I don’t believe he is in this to protect anybody whatsoever. When I spoke to him, my second question was, “How are you involved in the porn industry? Have you ever done anything in it? Are you familiar with it?” And he said, “No.” Well, how could you possibly concern yourself with this if you don’t even understand how the industry works?

And the one thing he did keep saying to me was, “It has to be done.” And again, my first question was, “Why are you doing this?” “Well, it has to be done.”

Q: Yes, it certainly seems that those who speak out in favor of the condom mandate sometimes tend to skirt the issue and veer off into other topics.

Yes, absolutely. I don’t think there is any focus on the performers, to be honest with you. I think it’s all about money in someone’s pocket. I don’t think (Weinstein) has any concern for the performers.

Quite frankly – and I’m being honest here because I’ve been in the industry for 20 years and I’ve been around civilians as well – I don’t think the majority of people really care about the safety of porn stars. I think that when you talk to a civilian on the street they are going to say, “Who cares?” Most of them think that we’re slimy and disgusting. So, why would they even concern themselves with that? It’s beyond me.

Q: Transitioning over to the topic of your career, can you tell us how you initially became interested – and later involved – in the adult industry?

Oh, gosh. To be honest, I was never interested in it. I had started dancing as a stripper back in my middle twenties to help my husband – we had just gotten married and were trying to make ends meet. He said, “Why don’t you do some stripping?” So, I went for an audition and once I got up on stage, I just loved it. I thought, “I’m right at home here. This is perfect.” I even had people saying to me, “Are you sure you haven’t done this before?”

So, at that point, I was dancing and I was sent to The Lee Network. And the reason I was sent there is because they wanted to turn me into a feature dancer because I had danced and I needed to get some credits. So, I went out there to compete in this competition and go to the adult store to talk to some people about doing movies or whatever.

I talked to Sean Michaels and he took me under his wing. He helped me out, he showed me stuff and explained things to me in the proper way. I felt very, very good with him because he wasn’t just trying to push me into scenes. It was steps that we were taking to make sure that this was what I really wanted to do.

One thing led to another – and I never did amateurs, Sean Michaels made sure I was in features immediately. And to be honest, it’s twenty years later and I’m sitting here talking to you. It’s just been … insane. It’s like nothing else I would have ever imagined. I’ve traveled the world, I’ve traveled all over the United States, I’ve met so many different types of people.

And I can honestly say throughout my entire time in this industry, I have never had any problems with anyone. Everyone has treated me very, very well and given me as much respect as I give them. There is really only one incident where I would say I was completely disrespected and screwed over. And unfortunately, that just recently happened. (Laughs) So, I almost made it to twenty years without being screwed over by a company.

Q: That’s pretty good.

I thought I did pretty good.

Q: Absolutely. What do you consider some of the standout moments of your career?

The one I can really think of is when I went over to Israel to do a radio show. I was actually over there signing in a bookstore and I did a television show. When I was there, they treated me like I was a mainstream star over here. They looked at me like I was a Julia Roberts. They put me in their major magazine – put me on the cover and did an interview with me. And the talk show that I was on would have been like The Tonight Show over here – it was that popular. It was incredible, but I was really nervous. (Laughs) That was back in … I want to say it was ‘94.

There are a lot of things going on over there that I never saw before. It was incredible for me.

Q: Wonderful. You were inducted into the AVN Hall of Fame in 2007. How did it feel to learn you had achieved that honor?

Well, I said, “Finally.” (Laughs) Because I had been waiting for a long time and had been campaigning for it and always saying that I wanted it.

In 2007, I was living up in Northern California with my ex-fiancé. So, I didn’t really know I had been nominated because we had decided to cut off all ties with this industry and just live normal. (Laughs) So, unfortunately, I never got to go to that awards show and I never really knew until probably like a year later that I had actually been inducted, so it was a surprise.

Q: Oh, wow.

I know! The one year I couldn’t go, they gave it to me. I think they did that on purpose. (Laughs)

Q: You also pen a regular column for the AI News website. Can you tell us about that and how it came about?

Well, I’ve been writing for a long time. I started writing for AVN online and I had a column with them for a few years. And basically, I enjoy writing – I’m working on my book right now.

I was at an event and Steve Nelson, the Editor for AI News interviewed me and I told him that I was taking some more writing classes. He said, “I’m going to make you an offer to do a column for us.” And I said, “Sure, I would love that.” So, that’s how it came about.

As far as the column, it’s called “From Where I Stand.” It’s really just my opinions and my views on the industry and how I look at it. Sometimes it’s very hard for me – I have to control my pen, if you will – because there are a lot of things I would like to say that should be said, but I don’t want to step on anybody’s toes. It’s unfortunate, but I just can’t do that. I have to have respect for the industry and how it’s going to make the industry look, so there are a lot of things I keep my mouth shut about. (Laughs) But mostly, it’s just trying to portray a positive image for the industry and let people experience what I’ve gone through from where I saw things at the beginning to the way I see them now.

Q: Excellent. Speaking as a Hall of Famer and veteran of the adult business, is there one misconception about the industry from people outside of it that bothers you in particular?

I think the misconception about adult is the type of people that we are. I think that’s the biggest misconception. There are people in this industry that are just a total “porn star profile” – they are not very intelligent, not very clean, they swear, whatever. But most of us, we’re normal people. We love our job and we go and do it, but we also go to the market, I myself don’t, but some have kids, we have to pay bills.

Myself, I don’t dress up every day the way I would dress on set or for a signing. I think most of the time when I’m out and about, people don’t even know who I am. I think that’s one of the reasons I was able to talk to Michael Weinstein: because I don’t think he realized I was in the industry. (Laughs)

Most of us are really good people. We’re really sincere, honest people that care.

Q: Yes. May I ask a few questions about yourself as a person?


Q: Thank you. Can you tell us where you were born and how you would describe yourself growing up?

I was born in Erie, Pennsylvania. And to describe myself growing up, I was shy. I was quiet. My mom said that even when I was in the playpen I would stand there, hold on to the bar, look around at everyone and not say a word.

And then through high school, I was very, very shy. Some people thought that I was stuck up because I had good posture because my mom made us have good posture. (Laughs)

And I was just shy. I didn’t really know how to interact with other people. I just had very, very, very low self-esteem. Everybody just made fun of me, to be honest. It’s really funny because they were always so mean to me and then after I graduated high school, I thought to myself, “I can’t wait until my twenty-year reunion because I’m going to come back there and I’m going to be the most beautiful, the most successful, and they are just all going to think, “Oh, my gosh!”

And that’s when I was 18 that I said that. But sure enough, when I did go to my high school reunion, it was exactly what I was. (Laughs) I wasn’t insecure anymore. I’m a very confident woman. It’s funny how you think of things when you’re young and they actually come true. (Laughs)

Q: Yes, I read an entry on your blog where you wrote about attending your reunion.

Yes. And I actually have two of my schoolmates following me on Twitter. (Laughs)

Q: How about interests and hobbies away from work?

Well, as I said, I like to write. I really enjoy working out. We have a few canyons in the Los Angeles area and I like to get up in the morning to go run them. Or maybe I’ll go to the gym. But I like to stay in shape and I really like being in the outdoors.

I like reading. I like cooking. I wouldn’t do it every day; I enjoy it if I have to cook for someone. I’m a very good cook, but that doesn’t mean I do it every day. I guess you have to be pretty special to have me cook for you. (Laughs)

Q: How about favorites – favorite movie, T.V. show, musical artists and things like that?

I would have to say my two all-time favorite movies would be Flatliners – which I don’t know if anybody even remembers that one – with Kiefer Sutherland and Julia Roberts. They were very young and still part of the “Brat Pack.” And then Mr. & Mrs. Smith – I just think that’s such a sexy movie. (Laughs) So, those are really my two all-time favorites. And I like some old movies as well. The only thing I don’t like is horror films – they scare me too much. (Laughs)

I’m pretty much open to any type of music. I don’t care for country and I don’t care for rap. I think my all-time favorites would be U2, The Rolling Stones, I’m really starting to get back into Led Zeppelin now. And I really enjoy George Michael. And I love Nickelback right now.

Q: Is there anything about yourself that you feel would surprise a lot of people?

I’m very submissive in my personal life. Many people think that what they see on stage and on screen is what I am, but I’m not. I’m very proper, very quiet … not so much proper, but very submissive. When I’m dating a guy, I’m not all over him and crazy. I’m very well-controlled and very civilized. I just maintain a very classy image.

Q: Are there any current or upcoming projects in the works that you would like to mention?

Oh, yeah. My Twitter account, @RebeccaBardoux, my column at And then I’m going to be in New Jersey for Exxxotica in November; I’m really looking forward to that.

I’m also going to be starting my radio show tomorrow (Note: This interview was conducted on September 20. You can check out the archived broadcast of Rebecca Bardoux’s debut show here) and I’m going to be broadcasting every Friday from 7-9 p.m. Eastern Time on Porn Star Radio.

I have that information up on my Facebook and I’m also going to be putting it up on my Twitter account as well.

I’ve wanted to do a radio show for so, so long. I finally got the opportunity and I’m really excited about it. So, we’ll see how that goes. It’s a lot of work, as you know doing what you do.

Q: Yeah, for sure. Is it going to be a discussion-based broadcast about the industry with special guests and things like that?

Yes, it will be. It’s a two-hour show, so I’m going to break it down into different sections. You know, everyone goes and interviews the porn star and I’d really like to get some views from people that are behind the scenes: agents, P.R. people and directors, so that people can get a feel for it that is not just the girl or the guy porn star.

And in January, I’m going to be starring in a play opening in Los Angeles called The Deep Throat Sex Scandal. It had been in New York and it did great, so they moved it down here and I think it was back in April that I was approached to be involved in it. So, I’m very excited. I never thought I was a good actress, but I guess they think I’m alright. (Laughs)

Q: Very nice.

Yes. And I have movies that are out; I still shoot a little bit. Right now, I have Evil Angel with Facial Overload #02: MILF Edition. I don’t really care for the term “MILF,” but what can I do? (Laughs)

Q: To finish up, is there anything you wish to say to readers in closing?

Not really. I’ll keep my mouth shut because that’s the right thing to do, I guess. (Laughs)


But the only thing I think in this industry is that there are so many people who are becoming so greedy and so heartless. I think there has to be point where we all stand together and try to tell each other, “This guy and this girl, they’ve done this to me.” And it’s not like we’re talking about them maliciously; we’re just trying to let everyone know, so maybe they don’t have to experience the same things that we have gone through. Back in the day, we always did that and it’s not so much now. But it would be nice to get back to that; I think it would be much better for the talent.

Q: I want to thank you for taking some time out of your day to speak with me. It was great to chat with you and I wish you continued success with your future projects.

Thank you, Adam. It was great talking to you as well.


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