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from www.huffingtonpost.com – Perhaps it comes as no surprise that a 21-year-old came up with an energy drink called “Pussy” while he was sitting in his bedroom. The company’s mantra:
The name Pussy shocks and demands attention – that’s the point. Inhibition is a recipe for mediocrity. This is a premium energy drink named with confidence.
There are so many cheap puns to make that we don’t even know where to start. So, here’s what others had to say:
Jezebel: “Our Pussy is all natural! Our Pussy demands attention! Our Pussy had confidence!”
LA Weekly’s Squid Ink: “…A ‘100% natural’ blend of grape juice, lime, grenadilla, lychee and fizzy water infused with six (count em!) ‘selected botanical herbs.’ And despite all that, it still just sorta tastes like chicken.”
FitPerez: “They named it that just so you could say, ‘I need to drink some Pussy right now.'”
Pussy is only available in the UK, but it seems like it’s just a matter of time until there is a US knock-off. Shockingly enough, it might not be doing that well, at the grocery store it was on clearance.