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Portland May Beat San Fag-sicko as The Biggest Shithole Along The Pacific.

Due to being Antifa's stronghold much how ISIS controlled Fallujah in Iraq. This is especially true when the city has a spinless cuck for mayor who caves in and appease the terrorists.




Happy Hayride - Parents: You remember Bill Gates. He is... | Facebook

The communist revolutionary faggot terror organization aka ANTIFA hates any iconic pieces of art that defines  nation's aesthetics and promote traditional nuclear families.


President Trump Confirms He Sent Homeland Security Officers to ...




Note: Andy Ngo is openly gay but he is one of the few public voices in independent media who is speaking out and naming ANTIFA members.


Bubette Salam on Twitter: "Antifa mugshots from Portland.😧… "

A communist terrorist group is going to be more embolden when you have a boneless cuck running your city.

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Portland and much of the left coast needs more Pinochet types for mayors and governors to clean up and make all these communist revolutionary faggots disappear with helicopter rides and clandestine prisons!

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all of these arrested Antifa members all resemble people who descended from the bloodlines of Vlad The Impaler, The Nazi SS & Charles Manson if they had 400 young women, 2000 bottles of max strength fertility-aid & the whole state of Oregon as their breeding station & dump station for all of their kids to ship towards!