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To some extent Manwin’s Fabian Thylmann remains the Howard Hughes of porn.
But when it comes to being the Daddy Warbucks of Manwin, it might not be Fabian at all. It could be his brother Oliver Thylmann.
Oliver Thylmann who is the real computer geek in the family and visionary, specializes in Internet start-ups and project funding or what’s known in the trade as angel investing.
In fact Oliver Thylmann’s heading up a conclave September 10-11 in Cologne, Germany called the European Pirate Summit.
The European Pirate Summit (EPS) was started in 2011 with the aim to become a European startup event “like none other”.
According to the press release, this year’s edition, under the motto “ARRR on Europe”, the EPS is bringing together roughly 500 people who have “demonstrated their Pirate spirit”.
Featured on the speakers list are Index Ventures’ Saul Klein, Wrapp’s Andreas Ehn, angel investor extraordinaire Klaus Hommels and Xing founder Lars Hinrichs, as well as yours truly, among others.
The EPS is featuring talks, discussions, workshops and startup pitches, and also, apparently, a bunch of 11-14 year olds showcasing their latest iOS apps.
Here’s how Oliver Thylmann describes himself on www.thylnann.net:
About me
• Finished school at the DSB in Bruxelles, Belgium
• Moved to Aachen, Germany to study Physics at the RWTH Aachen
• Got my first computer in 1995, Windows, 10mbit bi-directional laser to the university backbone on the roof
• 6 months later, joined the sysadmin team, built up the network, managed SunSparc mail and dns server, setup shared web hosting, …
• Co-Founded STATSnet sprl in the internet statistics space, later also SEO
• Started writing for BeOS related websites like BeNews and infoSync World in the Mobile Space, blogging on a personal site since 2001
• Even though Biomedical Technology and Physiology interested me, quit Physics and started an MBA at the Open University Business School in 2001.
• 2003 started working at OnVista Media GmbH to gain more experience in bigger companies
• Started building up what is today Ligatus GmbH from the technology side being first employee after Henning Lange.
• 2005: finished the MBA, married, quit, co-founded Ormigo GmbH with Henning Lange (sold to one of the biggest yellow pages company in Germany in 2010)
• 2008: co-founded Adcloud GmbH (sold to Deutsche Post DHL April 2011) as a sister company to Ormigo GmbH.
That should be a good rough overview. other than that I would suggest you follow me on Twitter, subscribe to the Blog or simply want the homepage to see what is going on in my life. This will most likely allow you to learn a lot more about me than a CV [resume] could ever do.
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