Porn Valley- Earlier this month Wankus interviewed Romena on KSEX. Wankus said when he first met her she was going under the name Amore. With a name like Romena, Wankus said it sounds like some crazy assed hockey team that kicks US butt in the Olympics. Romena said she had just shot her first scene a couple of days prior to the interview. It was with Ed Powers.
Wankus said Powers was a “great warmer-upper” in that he’s a helluva nice guy, explains to you what’s going to happen, “and you’re not going to be violated by a 50,000- foot cock.” Wankus observed that Romena was very shy, very cute and very Latinish. Romena said she was Creole-Mexican.
“Some serious cookin’ and a lot of fence hoppin’,” Wankus opined. “I love it.” Romena said she had been dancing [and still does] at VIP Showgirls in North Hollywood before she got into the business. She’s ben dancing maybe a total of nine months.
In an interview that he was pretty much carrying without the benefit of a pack mule, Wankus determined that Romena was very nervous the first time she got in front of a camera. “And did you have any more vocal ability in the scene than you do on my show?” he asked her.
That being said, Wankus wondered what was going through her head including the why the fuck am I doing this question. Romena said that was pretty much what it was. “No turning back now,” she said quietly. Although she didn’t know the number of the Debutante Vid, Romena was told it would have been out May 12. Wankus seemed to recall that Tyler Faith was the only girl that worked with Powers without fucking him. “And that’s weird, too, for her not to fuck somebody.” Wankus explained that a friend of hers was fucking Powers and Faith hung out to play with the friend. “I’ll support the scene.”
Romena said her friends and family know that she dances and that her family freaked out at that news. She didn’t tell them about the scene, however. Wankus wondered whether they were laid back enough to afford the possibility of seeing her on the Playboy Channel in the softcore version. “It happens all the time!” Asked about her future plans, Romena said she hadn’t considered any. She was, likewise, asked if she were freaky in her personal life, with one-night stands and clubbing episodes to talk about. Romena’s one word yes responses were an inspiration to raconteurs around the globe. As far as girls, she likes them but she’s picky. A “girly-girl” is her preference. Wankus wondered whether that meant pasty-faced bitches or ethnic girls. “Everyone’s got their own thing,” he noted.
“It depends,” she replied. Again, putting words in her mouth, Wankus surmised that a pretty girl would have a chance with Romena. “You ain’t gonna go for no Sparks fans,” he said. Co-ho Rebecca Love took exception to that comment. “But your hair’s long- that’s different,” he laughed. “You don’t have that little mullet cut going. Fucking 700 pounds and a beer cover that says I love tractor-trailer pulling.”
Asked when she lost her virginity, Romena said she was eleven. All of a sudden Wankus came to life with that remark, telling her that she was, indeed, freaky unless it was her Uncle Tootie who did it. Romena said the guy was about the same age. But she also gave the impression she was less prone to horseplay in high school after that incident. Romena also said she wanted to be a pediatrician. “I wanted to work with babies,” she said.
“And now you’re helping people make them- that’s perfect,” Wankus laughed. Rebecca Love wondered aloud whether parents would take their kid to see a porn star-pediatrician. Wankus said it was okay because he was a Little League coach. “And I went into porn.” Romena said she still entertained ideas about being a doctor. Love also pointed out that Romena had a tattoo on her back but that she should talk because she works in a cat house.